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Basics of tea leaves

We have recorded knowledge that is worth knowing about tea! There may be a lot of surprising things about tea....

What kind of plant is tea?
Tea is a plant of the Camellia family.In principle, the tea sold in Japan is made from the genus Camellia of the Camellia family.
In 1887, a German scholar named it "Camellia sinensis".Prior to this, it was named "Thea sinensis" and was thought to belong to the genus Cha.
It seems that there was a long-standing debate that black tea and green tea trees were different species.

Common points between tea and camellia and commentary on new tea
Tea flowers also bloom like camellias.Similar to the leaves.
The leaves of the Camellia family have an image of being hard, but when the weather warms in spring, soft new shoots grow from the pruned tea trees.
This part is used as fresh tea.
The growing bud and the two leaves below it (one core two leaves) or three leaves (one core three leaves) are picked to make fresh tea.