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World and Energy

  Impact of Coronavirus on Japan

Energy consumption by private cars and public transportation decreased due to voluntary restraint in going out.Energy consumption in commercial facilities decreased due to lower operating hours.

出典:  総合エネルギー統計2020年度確報より経済産業省作成

Energy consumption also decreased in the manufacturing sector.This can be attributed to the decrease in automobile production and the extension of construction periods. The decrease in automobile production has also reduced the demand for the paints and parts used to make automobiles, which has reduced energy consumption in the scientific sector. The reason there is not much difference in the steel industry is that the amount of paper used has decreased due to telework but the amount of cardboard used has increased due to the increase in mail order and other activities.

出典:  総合エネルギー統計2020年度確報より経済産業省作成
Energy consumption from transportation was greatly reduced by the coronavirus, which restricted cross-country travel.

  Global Impact of Coronavirus

The world's first case of coronavirus infection was discovered in early December 2019, and the number of cases exploded from there.Energy demand from January to March 2020 was about 4 percent lower than energy demand from January to March 2019.

出典:  IEA
A lockdown is an urban blockade. This graph shows the number of days since urban lockdown by country and the decrease in energy demand. We can see that the demand for domestic use is increasing because we are always at home, but the decrease in commercial and industrial demand is larger and therefore has decreased significantly.

  Global Energy Issues

The world uses fossil energy sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas, mainly in developed countries. However, fossil energy is finite, and its consumption is rapidly increasing due to population growth and other factors, leading to rapid energy depletion.On top of that, with global warming becoming an issue and the current goal of reducing CO2 emissions, CO2 emissions are increasing along with the increase in fossil energy consumption.

Initiatives in the Renewable Energy World

This figure shows the percentage of renewable energy from 2012 to 2020. Newly installed capacity increases slowly from 2012 to 2019, and then increases rapidly from 2019 to 2020.Cumulative installed capacity has also increased from 2012 to 2020. This indicates that renewable energy has been gradually increasing in recent years.

As you can see in this graph, renewable energy has increased by about 700 GW between 2014 and 2018. It can also be read that renewable energy had one valve more installed capacity in 2018 compared to less than coal in 2014.
※GW is a unit of measurement for electric power.

出典:  IEA「Data Services」、各国公表情報より資源エネルギー庁作成
In addition, renewable energy generation in Japan is about 18% as of FY 2019, ranking 6th in the world.
Since there is still a large amount of power generation from fossil energy sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which have high CO2 emissions, we should increase more renewable energy sources and gradually reduce power generation from fossil energy sources in the future.

  Renewable Energy in the Future

In October 2020, Japan declared its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. Carbon neutrality is the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible and absorbing or removing the same amount of greenhouse gas emissions as emissions are reduced to zero. In addition, Japan is developing perovskite solar cells in an effort to reduce the cost of solar power generation, among other things. Peploskite solar cells are easy to make solar cells by applying a material to a substrate. They can be installed on walls and other places where it has not been possible to install them before.
The world's future goal is to increase the share of renewable energy.


新型コロナウイルスがエネルギー消費に与える影響とは?新しい省エネ社会に向けて! - UNIADEX ユニアデックス株式会社(URL:file:///media/fuse/drivefs-4c508c83128d1bb7b48b1d05519b9da0/.files-by-id/88673/250182H/page6.html) 2020.6.10 (参照:2023.1.8)

世界の主なエネルギー問題|一次エネルギーの消費動向も解説 | 【公式】RE100電力株式会社 (URL: %AD%E5%BF%83%E3%81%AB,%E5%95%8F%E9%A1%8C%E3%81%A8%E3%81%AA%E3%81%A3%E3%81%A6%E3 %81%84%E3%81%BE%E3%81%99%E3%80%82) 2021.09.15 (参照:2023.1.8)

新型コロナウイルスの、エネルギーへの影響を概観してみた vol.1 | EnergyShift (URL: 2020.05.09 (参照:2023.1.8)

日本と世界の再生可能エネルギーの現状と取り組み | 海外 | 海外進出ノウハウ | Digima〜出島〜 (URL: 2021.09.30 (参照:2023.1.8)

新型コロナウイルス感染症はエネルギーにどう影響した?―「エネルギー白書2022」から②|スペシャルコンテンツ|資源エネルギー庁 (URL: 2022.07.27 (参照:2023.1.8)

Activity record

2023/1/4     Twitter has been set up.
2022/12/20     Selected as semi-finalists.
2022/11/4     'GASUTENANI (Gas Science Museum)'. I went to
2022/10/30     I went to the Chiba Prefectural Museum of Modern Industrial Science and Technology.
2022/10/21     Selected as school representative.
2022/8/28     MEET meetings were held to report on progress during the summer holidays.
2022/8/7     We visited the Kumejima Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Demonstration Test Facility.
2022/7/2     Started building a website.
2022/6/11   Groups formed.

We're also on twitter! I post tidbits and such, so please come check it out!