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Gas science museum

We went to the Gas Science Museum on November 4.
The Gas Science Museum is a facility where visitors can "experience, think, and enjoy learning" about the characteristics of gas and energy that support our daily life and future life and society, as well as social issues such as SDGs and global warming (climate change). I thought that by visiting the Gas Science Museum, I could learn more about "future energy" and the relationship between energy and our daily lives. I also thought I could make this site better by introducing new perspectives on "energy of the future.

This image shows various pictures on the wall, and when you touch them, the pictures move and you can see the power being generated. There were many different types of power generation: the red bird is thermal power, the frog is hydroelectric power and the windmill is wind power. Even young children can enjoy learning about power generation because they can see what kind of things they can use to generate electricity.
This is a model of a thermal power plant. When I saw this model, I thought that the area needed for power generation is indeed small.
This is a model of a hydroelectric power station. I could not understand much about hydropower plants even though I looked up images of them, but this model helped me to understand what they are all about. I also understood that building a dam close to a town could cause damage to the town in the event of a natural disaster, and that environmental damage could occur due to the installation of the dam.
This is a model of biomass power generation. I didn't really understand what biomass power generation was in the first place, but I found out that it is power generation that 'makes electricity from food waste and other materials'. I was curious about how electricity is generated, so I decided to look into it. I also learned what kind of biomass power generation is done at a power station.
This is a model of a wind turbine. The wind was blown by a fan onto a model wind turbine, which then spun to generate electricity. When the wind turbine spins and electricity is generated, the city in the picture below is electrified. Even children could understand the mechanism of wind power generation.
This is a model of a geothermal power plant. There is a hole in the middle of the desk and the model is there. So I thought it was an ingenious way to catch the children's attention. Also, the model was designed to show how geothermal power generation works by showing how electricity is produced underground.
This is a photovoltaic solar panel. It generates electricity by exposing it to light. This was not a surprise to me, as I see these all the time, but I was again interested in the fact that light can be used to generate electricity.

What I thought when I visited Gas Science Museum

By visiting the Gas Science Museum, I was able to understand the connection between the city and power generation by touching the models and moving things around to generate electricity myself. There were also panels explaining renewable energy and our daily life and power generation, so I could learn more about renewable energy. There was also a space explaining the prevention of global warming, so I was able to learn about power generation from various directions.
A model of a power station gave visitors an insight into the shape, location and role of a power station. In addition to the exhibits introduced here, there were also exhibits on the effects of global warming on the planet and the SDGs. I became more interested in power generation and decided to do what I can to help prevent global warming after visiting the Gas Museum.
Activity record

2023/1/4     Twitter has been set up.
2022/12/20     Selected as semi-finalists.
2022/11/4     'GASUTENANI (Gas Science Museum)'. I went to
2022/10/30     I went to the Chiba Prefectural Museum of Modern Industrial Science and Technology.
2022/10/21     Selected as school representative.
2022/8/28     MEET meetings were held to report on progress during the summer holidays.
2022/8/7     We visited the Kumejima Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Demonstration Test Facility.
2022/7/2     Started building a website.
2022/6/11   Groups formed.

We're also on twitter! I post tidbits and such, so please come check it out!