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About coal

<What is coal>

Coal is a substance that has been solidified from old plants by natural influences and other factors.

      <Ranking of countries from which Japan imports coal>

1st Australia

2nd Russia

3rd Indonesia

About oil

<What is oil>

Oil is a liquid composed mainly of hydrocarbons that is excavated from oil fields

      <Ranking of countries from which Japan imports oil>

1st Saudi Arabia

2nd United Arab Emirates

3rd Kuwait

About LNG

<What is LNG>

LNG is natural gas that exists underground and is liquefied by cooling it to -162°C.

      <Ranking of countries from which Japan imports LNG>

1st Australia

2nd Malaysia

3rd Qatar

About uranium

<What is uranium>

Uranium is an element with atomic number 92 that can be extracted from mines.

      <Ranking of countries from which Japan imports uranium>

1st Australia

2nd Kazakhstan

3rd Canada

Reason for making it

This page was created for those who have seen the Types of Power Generation page and have an interest or question about coal or other fuels. We hope this page will help you understand the "Types of Power Generation" page.

Activity record

2023/1/4     Twitter has been set up.
2022/12/20     Selected as semi-finalists.
2022/11/4     'GASUTENANI (Gas Science Museum)'. I went to
2022/10/30     I went to the Chiba Prefectural Museum of Modern Industrial Science and Technology.
2022/10/21     Selected as school representative.
2022/8/28     MEET meetings were held to report on progress during the summer holidays.
2022/8/7     We visited the Kumejima Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Demonstration Test Facility.
2022/7/2     Started building a website.
2022/6/11   Groups formed.

We're also on twitter! I post tidbits and such, so please come check it out!

このサイトは 第25回全国中学高校Webコンテストに参加しています
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