Site Information

Meaning behind the name of the site

Around these few years, the problem is that youth voter turnout is declining.
It is very dangerous for the young people who will be responsible for the future of Japan to be indifferent to politics and elections.
Therefore, we thought that by incorporating "Oshi" into elections, which young people are currently crazy about, we could encourage more young people to come to the elections.
We believe that for all of you, Oshi is an irreplaceable existence that makes you want to put your energy into supporting it and makes your daily life more enjoyable.

Like we have expectations for our Oshi and want to support them, it is also possible to have Oshi in the world of politics and expect how they will change our lives this time around.
Just as you do with "Oshi" you can easily check out information about politicians and their policies on social networking sites and video sites. Also, by listening to a politician's speech on the street, you can naturally see the relationship between the politician and the citizens.
We propose to find "Oshi" in elections so that more people can feel closer to elections and politics!

Member Introduction

・Site Creation

・Graph Creation
・Document retrieval

・Video Creation
・Figure and Graph Creation

・English Translation
・Overseas Interviews

How to view the site

・・・Go to the next page.     

・・・Go back to the previous page.

・・・Jump to the page about the topic you are interested in.

Activity Record

Activity Record

April 13, 2023: Team formed
June 14, 2023: Discussion (1) was held by the members (theme and title decided).
August 18, 2023: Interviews were conducted in Canada with a Korean, a Canadian, a Colombian, and a Brazilian.
September 20, 2023: Members discussed (2)
October 10, 2023: We conducted a survey of Tokushima Prefecture residents.
October 12, 2023: Interview with an Indian at DMM English Conversation(Online English lesson service)
October 13, 2023: A survey was sent to our students via GoogleForm
October 20, 2023: Submitted to the school's representative selection
November 22, 2023:The work was submitted.
December 18, 2023:Selected as a semi-finalist.