Member's family

What do you think of the decline in voter turnout?

All of us agreed that it was not good.They are of the opinion that more people should vote because they can only participate in politics through elections.
However, there was also the opinion that it is not good if people vote in the dark. When voting, it is necessary to thoroughly research the candidates and their political parties.


As for what we can do, he said that it is important for everyone to be interested in politics, to encourage people around us to vote, and to get information from street speeches and other sources other than the media, as there are things that we cannot understand from the media. In addition, they also mentioned that it would be good if there were more attractive candidates for office, and if it were easier to see what politicians are doing. It is true that not many people know what politicians do on a daily basis. I thought that if people could watch ads and videos without having to go all the way to a political party's website, and if they had more opportunities to come into contact with politics, they would not think of elections as something that happens to others, and they would be able to express their opinions about politics.



The most frequently mentioned good points were "one person, one vote" and "equality". We found that the equal voting system of one person, one vote per person, regardless of occupation, economic power, or age, is a good thing for many people in order for the people's opinions to be heard as part of a democracy. On the other hand, the bad points were that votes can be bought with money and that the voting method is inefficient. Based on these comments, we need to reexamine the election system and create a better system.


We found that all of them watched political news, albeit with different frequency.


After all, even if I am too lazy to go alone, I might be more inclined to go if I have someone to go with. I think you should involve the people around you more and more. Also, the fact that they were told to go by their parents made me think that if schools and parents strongly encouraged them to go, the number of people going to the polls would increase.

What do you think can be done to increase youth voter turnout?


In order to increase youth voter turnout, we still need young people to run for office. This would make them feel more familiar and more interested in politics.