Ideal Polling Place

So far, we have introduced the structure of the elections, the problems that are currently occurring, and the solutions that are being taken to deal with them.
We mentioned that we are currently facing declining voter turnout. Among the reasons given for not going to the polls, one of the reasons was that they were hassling to go to polling places.
To reach our motive, "We want to reduce the decline in voter turnout among young people!", we discussed the "ideal way" so that young people can feel comfortable to go.

Theme we discussed (2)

Think about your ideal voting places!

Voting from the house may be hard from a privacy and identity theft perspective...
Making polling places more accessible would make it easier for voters to get out and vote?!?!?!

If you're going to set up a polling place, it should be close to your house!
Where can we find a place that is acceptable to a wide range of generations?

How about setting a standard for the number of residents and placing ballot boxes on the ground floor of apartments that have more than that standard (= more voters)?
It's a place where both older and younger people live, and it's easy to get down to the ground floor to vote?

But isn't it hard to collect and tally? Even if standards were set, they would be installed in various apartments.

It will cost a lot of money to set up and a lot of labor.... I think it's the best and most accessible place.

Then what about installing them only in places like apartments for the elderly?
I think the elderly have a hard time physically going to the polls, so why not install them in some of the senior citizen apartments, using the standard you mentioned earlier about the number of residents as well?
It may cost some money for installation, labor, etc., but the number of ballot boxes could be reduced compared to ordinary apartments.

Yes! That's the way to go!

So what about the youth?

How about installing them in schools? Like a university.

If we could vote at school, we could get more input from the youngest generation!
If high school and college students over the age of 18 could vote at their schools using advance voting, it would increase the turnout of the younger generation.
I think it would be a good idea if school officials or student volunteers are recruited to take responsibility for election management at polling places.

That's probably the place closest to home for the students.
Besides, where else would be a familiar place for adults...? How about placing it at a train station or something?

Station, even busy people can come!
Voting is mainly done on holidays, but even if you go out, you can easily stop by on your way home.

I think it's great that you can stop by! But you have to choose the right place, like a big train station, which has a lot of people so it's inappropriate to establish a polling place.

see... Well, what about the shopping mall then?
Shopping malls are big enough to have a place to set up, right?

Voting is basically on holidays, so a shopping mall might attract people!
I heard that advance voting is also being done at shopping malls and such, so I'm sure you can secure a spot or something.

So, to summarize,
Place ballot boxes in shopping malls to allow a wide range of generations to vote
・For the elderly, install ballot boxes on the first floor of senior citizen apartments to reduce the burden of travel.
Install in schools to make voting more accessible to students

Brief note

We, the members, have come up with an ideal way to vote and an ideal place to vote that would make it easier for people to go to the polls.
So what ideal vote do students and adults have in mind?
A survey was sent to our school's students and teachers, and our families!

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