The future of a character

The "character" which determines the future of a character

It can be said that the efficiency and simplicity do not necessarily determine the future of a
character and the authority and power of the human being using it determines it. Although
language evolves automatically, a notation system and a character are not so, from a mainly
social and mental reason, it is not changed intentionally or it is no longer used.
It is expected that they will determine the future of a character from now on since the
languages (Chinese, English, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.) of the main countries of the earth
are used for human beings' large majority.

Influence which a computer has on a character

However, probably, it will be so inevitable that the Latin alphabet intention becomes more
strong that computerization of a future world progresses.
It is because a computer invents and spreads using the Latin alphabet and the operating
procedure is also due to the character.
If it goes like this in the future, very few minority notation and character remain in a several
centuries, the Latin alphabet will be a "world character."

If the audio response system of a computer will spread in the near future, it will be
considered that the act character of "writing" and "reading" becomes unnecessary any

However, the benefit and joy of the act like writing and reading all through the centuries are
far inferior to the things which is get by touching computer.

No matter a character may become what form in the future, in order for human beings to
experience, to memorize or to acquire capability, there is no change in continuing playing a
central role.
4000 years ago, one Egyptian scribe-person wrote down.
" The one human being died and the flesh returned to the ground.
It is a character which is able to remember him. "i"History of Writing"j