The reform of spelling
Shorthand and visual language
The future of a character |
Shorthand and visual language
Shorthand is the method of writing quickly, using the special sign and abbreviation
a general character and word. It is special method which is used when writing
the spoken word, and It is used when taking record at the place of an argument,
development of shorthand went back to middle age, and shorthand by which
progressed was developed for the first time by John Willis called "the
father of modern
shorthand" to the 17th century in the United States.
In Japan, it is said that the first-time using was in the Imperial Diet in
Meiji Era.
Visual language
Moreover, when the number of overseas travelers increased globally in the
1970s, in every
country they felt the mark that everyone can understand.
In this way, international sign characters are made and it came to be used
all over the world.
These are also the supplement of the communication of the information that
are written in
the regular languages, using limited vocabulary list that indicates objects
and places in the
international scene such as an airport and station.
These are also called a pictogram.

â–²The example of visual language. Almost all
persons can understand intuitively what is