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We will solve food loss issue  with perspective of  high school students.

What do you think about food loss issues?
The amount of food loss in Japan is 64.6 million ton.
this issue is becoming each of our problem.

 For UN-website

What surorised us is that there are lot of food loss in company.
they are caused and throw away without sale for consumers. Consumers are ignorance about them.
Then, we think it is a problem that consumers do not have responsibilities and awareness of food loss.
both of company and consumers


We made this chart by thinking  about current status,  connection and action.


There are about 13 billion in a year in Jaopan.
It is about one third of the amount of food that is produced in a year.
Suprisingly, Japanese produce food loss about 64.6 million in a year.
It means that they wast a cup of rice per person every day.

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