

Lactic acid bacterium added to milk reproduces using sugars such as lactose contained in milk as a nutrient source.
In the process, it secretes lactic acid and acetic acid. This is lactic acid fermentation.
As lactic acid increases, milk becomes acidic, and casein, the major protein in milk, solidifies.
This is why plain yogurt is hardened.


Although there are various theories about the origin of yogurt, it is said that it was born by chance in Central Asia 8000 to 6000 years ago, and it is believed that the original form was eaten.
In Japan, in 1894, a milk maker produced the first yogurt to treat intestines.
At that time, the supply of milk exceeded consumption, so surplus milk was used for yogurt.


Lactic acid bacteria have attracted attention and the spread of yogurt worldwide has been triggered by the Russian biologist Metnikov's theory of longevity.
Metnikov found and found that people who regularly eat yogurt rich in lactic acid bacteria in Bulgaria have longevity.
We have noticed that yogurt will lead to longevity.

How to make yogurt?