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Soy sauce

Soy sauce is Japanese major seasoning, and many kinds of them made because of the huge number of Japanese tradition. On these days, it become world famous seasoning.


It said that start of soy sauce is Hisio which make food salt pickles and fermented it in Chinese. In Japan, it said that it made by getting the liquid which was remaining in miso container.
At end of Sengoku era, Japanese first soy sauce store had opened in west of Japan, and it been popular in there. But its store hadn’t opened in east of Japan, so people in east cherished them.
After that, demand of them increase because of population explosion. Noda city and Chosi city became famous soy sauce producing city because of its geography.


Soy sauce divided to 6 kinds. Difference of color made by ratio of soy bean and wheat, and amount of water. Difference of color is used to emphasize the food’s flavor.

How to make soy sauce

Ingredient is soy beans, wheat and salt. Mix steamed beans and shattered wheat. Multiply Koji mold and make soy sauce Koji.
Add salt water, yeast fungus and lactic acid fungus to this, and ferment it with making Moromi. Half a year~3years later, squash Moromi and get soy sauce. This soy sauce called raw soy sauce. Burn and filter it. Make a good smell by burning. Decide kind of them by changing ratio of soy beans and wheat, and amount of water.