







1~4台あるという人で約半数の48.0%を占めました。 スマホや携帯電話を持ち始める年齢と買い替える期間を考えると、多くの人が使い終わった携帯電話は家で保管しているということがわかりました。 また、「わからない」と答えた人が19.2%おり、家に残っている携帯電話を意識していない人が多いことが伺えます。




回収ボックスを「知っているが使ったことはない」または「知らない」という人だけで90.4%と9割以上を占めていました。 回収ボックスの認知度の低さを痛感しました。


使い終わったスマホや携帯電話を家で保管する人が72.8%いて、回収ボックスを知っている人より多く(Q5より)、回収ボックスを知っていても家で保管するという人がいることがわかりました。 その理由として、個人情報の漏洩への心配があるのかもしれません。 また、燃えないゴミで出す人もいることがわかり、それがよくないことだということをもっと広めなければならないという課題もあるように伺えます。


資源の枯渇に危機感を持っている人と持っていない人はほとんど同数でした。 資源の枯渇に対する危機感が大きく分かれていることがわかります。


最後に、都市鉱山に対するイメージを聞いてみました。 結果として、「あまりなじみがない」「そもそも知らない」「興味がない」という意見が一番多くみられました。 具体的に、「実感が湧かず、あまり身近に感じられない。都市鉱山の詳しいデータを見たことがないのでどのくらいの問題なのだろうか。」と率直に書いてある意見もありました。 これらの意見から、都市鉱山がまだまだ知られていないことを実感したともに、どのようにすれば多くの人に都市鉱山という言葉だけでなく、内容まで知ってもらえるだろうかということを考えるようになりました。 また、東京オリンピック・パラリンピック2020「みんなのメダルプロジェクト」について触れているものも多くみられ、「みんなのメダルプロジェクト」による効果は抜群だったといえるでしょう。



We conducted a questionnaire on urban mining to 125 students in our school from October 27 to October 30, 2021 in order to learn how people around us are conscious of the issue. The following is its result.

Survey Results&Discussion

Do you know about urban mining?

It was noticeable that 44.8% of the people had heard of urban mining but did not know the details of it very well.

Do you know about the Small Home Appliance Recycling Law or the Home Appliance Recycling Law?

Those who had never heard of it accounted for about half of people(46.4%), and those who knew what it was (those who knew in detail+those who knew a little) accounted for 20.8%, less than a quarter of the total.

How many used cell phones do you have at home?

Nearly half (48.0%) of the people answered that they have 1 to 4 mobile phones. Considering the age at which people start owning smartphones or cell phones and the period of time they replace them, we found that many people keep their used cell phones at home. Also, 19.2% of the total did not know the number of cell phones they have, which indicates that many people are not aware of the cell phones left at home.

How long does it take you to replace your cell phone with new one?

A large number of people (57.6%) did not replace their phones for more than three years, and the long period of time may be related to the lack of interest in them.

Do you know about recovery boxes for small home appliances?

90.4% of the people were either aware of recovery boxes but have never used them or did not know about them. We were made to realize how little awareness there is of them.

What do you do with your used cell phone?

72.8% of the total keep their used cell phones at home, which is more than those who know about recovery boxes (according Q5). This shows that there are some people who know about them, but do not use them. The reason for this may be the worry about leaking personal information. Also, some people dispose of them in non-burnable trash, and it seems that there is a need to spread the awareness that this is not a good way to go.

Do you have a sense of crisis about the depletion of resources?

The number of people who have a sense of crisis about depletion of resources was almost the same as that of people who do not. This shows that people's sense of crisis about resource scarcity is quite different.

Images on urban mining

Lastly, we asked the respondents about their image of urban mining. As a result, the most common responses were "not very familiar with it", "don't know anything about it", and "not interested in it." Specifically, there was a frank opinion saying that I am not very familiar with it and I have never seen detailed data on urban mining, so I wonder how important it is. These statements made us realize that urban mining is still not known very well, and we began to think about how we could get more people to know not only the word "urban mining" but also its background and current situation, etc. In addition to that, many of them mentioned the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics 2020 "Tokyo 2020 Medals Project," so it can be said that it was extremely effective.
