We learned a lot about "Information" in the process of creating the site and compiling prior research.
Before the site was created, why would "Information" be increased to a required subject for the common test of their generation?To be honest, I felt some resistance, saying, "Why do I have to study "Information"?"However, this idea changed little by little as we learned more about the content and thought about it ourselves.
At first glance, one might wonder what the point of learning "Information" would be, but in fact, the content is utilized in familiar everyday situations, and we began to think that we could learn about the things that are surprisingly closest to our daily lives.
There are certainly those who think, "I don't need to gather Information."However, the fact that you are able to see this site on your screen right now, the fact that you are able to take pictures and leave memories with your smartphone, and the social networking services that you normally use without thinking are all related to learning through "Information."
Therefore, to know "Information" is to know how modern society works. We believe so.