Creating record

Creation process

In this page, we will explain the creation process of 3D model of old KIshiwada Castle.

Table of contents
Date Major tasks (layer=the number of roof)
7/30 To created about shape of castle
7/31・8/3 To start to creating tiles of fifth layer , and trim the shape of castle
8/19・8/21 To add tiles to fifth layer , and complete five-layer
9/3・9/10 To create fourth and third layer ,and create first layer
9/17 To add windows , and the castle is complete
extra Finishing touches
※When you click the each date , the detail of work is displayed in the bottom of page.

Fixes and improvements

For now, 3D model was completed, and we asked to print the 3D model, but there were incomplete place,
uldn’t print. So we modify the point and to improve 3D model.

The main reason that we can’t print the 3D model is because there is place that
‘’ Surface is not closed’’ in the 3D model.
‘’Surface is not closed” is state that part of the surface of the solid is disappeared as in the image.
( Left and right of each image, is almost the same solid. Right is correct and left is what face is disappeared.)

画像 画像

We don’t know the cause clearly,
but we found in point that has small shift in the size of the solid. So as soon as we find and correct.

And, it is impossible to print out very small 3D model.
As fence of the fifth layer is thin, we are to make it a little thick.

In addition, we are to improve it as 3D model of the castle.

・Under the roof

We spread tiles on the top of the roof, but there is nothing on the lower part,
so we are to process it so that it resembles a castle more.
The look when we looked from the bottom improved.

・Tile of the four corners of the roof

We revise the tile of the four corners penetrating a roof.
A tile along the form of the roof was made by bending a tile as the edge of roof

With the above making of the 3D model of the old Kishiwada castle is the end.

画像 画像

岸和田城再建プロジェクトクリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示 - 非営利 - 改変禁止 4.0 国際 ライセンスの下で提供されています。