

This page is Kishiwada castle reconstruction project

Kishiwada castle's recent apperance

This is Kishiwada castle`s recent apperance.
Although it is enough beautiful,in fact it isn`t originally apperance.
It was burned down,and was rebuild in old days.
Originally Kishiwada castle was bigger than recent Kishiwada castle,make of five layers.
So,we united,to make again by 「CAD」and 「3D model printer」.

「CAD」is abbreviation of「Computer Aided Design」.
It is a software to design the 2D and 3D drawing.
This time, we use 「FreeCAD」.
The machine printing out 3Dmodel is called 「3D model printer」.
By using these two things,everybody easily watch the true style of Kishiwada Castle from various angles.
We think more people become to be interested in Kishiwada Castle.
We summarize these activity named 「Kishiwada castle`s recent apperance」 in this web site.

  • It is 「Kishiwada Castle」 about Kishiwada and Kishiwada Castle's history.
  • It is 「Kishiwada Castle」 about Kishiwada and Kishiwada Castle's history.
  • It is 「3Dmodelrecode」 about Kishiwada and Kishiwada Castle's history.
  • It is 「Comparisonold and curt.」 about Kishiwada and Kishiwada Castle's history.
  • It is 「result and view」 about Kishiwada and Kishiwada Castle's history.
  • It is 「How to use CAD」 about Kishiwada and Kishiwada Castle's history.
  • It is 「Documents of activity」 about Kishiwada and Kishiwada Castle's history.
  • This is one page of youth of certain high school student
    who try to call something to mind past art...

    Place of Kishiwada Castle


    Kishiwada High School

    岸和田城再建プロジェクトクリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示 - 非営利 - 改変禁止 4.0 国際 ライセンスの下で提供されています。