Creating record

Creation process

In this page, we will explain the creation process of 3D model of old KIshiwada Castle.

Table of contents
Date Major tasks (layer=the number of roof)
7/30 To created about shape of castle
7/31・8/3 To start to creating tiles of fifth layer , and trim the shape of castle
8/19・8/21 To add tiles to fifth layer , and complete five-layer
9/3・9/10 To create fourth and third layer ,and create first layer
9/17 To add windows , and the castle is complete
extra Finishing touches
※When you click the each date , the detail of work is displayed in the bottom of page.

creating the broad foundation

First we had to create the broad foundation.
Based on the data (height:32.4,width:18m*18m),we created a simple solid.

画像 画像
putting one on another
画像 画像

And,created the highest roof.
Then we completed the broad foundation.
画像 画像

The picture shows you how large the 3D model is.
This is almost the same size as the data.

岸和田城再建プロジェクトクリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示 - 非営利 - 改変禁止 4.0 国際 ライセンスの下で提供されています。