Locus of production

Project start!

Today, June 25th,we started activity of Kishiwada Castle reconstruction project .
We will endeavor as a goal which is
to restore old Kishiwada Castle that was lost in the past with 3D models,
and to revive it by the 3D printer

Materials collected

First, we look for materials about History of Kishiwada castle and its appearance.
We look for it from valuable materials that are stored in Kishiwada high school,
called Kishikore(岸コレ).
But, materials that we were able to find was sketch of castle town only,
so we couldn’t look for materials about Kishiwada Catsle itself.
So we restart as a new goal which is to pull out descriptions about Kishiwada Castle’s form from materials at our school and to reproduce the old landscape based on it.

Visited Kishiwada Castle

We heard there are materials and models of old Kishiwada Castle in the current castle,
so we decided to visit there.
In the reference room located on the first floor, materials about Okabe family which is kishiwada lord and kishiwada clan are exhibited in there.
We were able to learn about the history of Kishiwada of that era.
Exhibition about Obu ruin were held in the second floor, we were able to see the valuable materials and pottery of the Yayoi-Kofun period. But it isn’t related to our project.
The third floor of the top floor is an observatory, you can overlook the Kishiwada city.
Unfortunately, this day, visibility is poor in the cloudy sky, it was not possible to overlook Kishiwada city. But we were able to overlook quite far.
In addition, model of the old castle town had been exhibited, so we could feel the situation around at that time of the castle.
It became a meaningful visit that we were able to learn many things that we didn’t know.

Intermediate announcement

On September 30, at Kishiwada high school, there was an intermediate announcement of each seminar.
image image
We presented that it is divided into the science selection and the humanities selection.
Many teachers came from other schools and univercities, it became a big recital.
We presented our research, also we saw other seminar’s announcement.
Which seminar announcement was also interesting.

Science Day

On October 24, there was a science day, that high school in Osaka Prefecture gathered, and we presented the respective research.
It was held in the morning and afternoon, we participate in the afternoon.
There were two types that announcement of the poster and verbal, we presented our research in the verbal.
When we presented, we got the criticism by college teachers. We have finished a presentation without problems.
Then we went to see the announcement of the poster, and we were allowed to watch the interesting research of other schools.
We received a lot of stimulation, and we could to think that we must do our best.

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