

We talked to the Cyber Crime Control Division about computer crime.

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I have a question about a virus!
I've heard that my computer or smartphone will be infected by a virus.
I've introduced a virus check app. Is there any other app that should be kept at a minimum or a countermeasure to take?
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When using the Internet, you should always put one antivirus software in it.
Put in an app that suits you while looking at the price.
At that time, it's important not only to put in the app, but also keep it up to date.
                        <figcaption  class=
I was satisfied just by putting in the app...
I'm going to check with the update frequently after entering it!
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After that, it is important not to download unnecessary files and not opening the email attachment unnecessarily.
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I see!
If it says it's free, I'll download it, so I'll be careful.
Is there an easy way to check if my device gets infected with a virus?
                        <figcaption  class=
There is a way to check with antivirus software.
Let's be careful because there are viruses with incubation functions.
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What should I do first and how should I deal with it if I get infected by the virus?
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First, it is important to separate it from the network.
For example, if it's a smartphone, put it in airplane mode, and if it's a personal computer, unplug the LAN cable or disconnect the Wi-Fi connection.
After doing these, we will deal with them calmly.
It's better to suspend using credit cards as soon as possible! Please suspend or change your account as soon as possible.
Since viruses may attract additional viruses, it's best to reset your device to factory settings, if it's a personal computer.
                        <figcaption  class=
I understand.
If my device gets infected with a virus, I shouldn't panic, and deal with it immediately.
Thank you for teaching me how to get rid of a virus!

Let's protect our smartphones and computers from viruses!
First, try downloading antivirus software.
Check its status frequently when you put it in! Don't forget!


HomeWe talked to officers from the Cyber Crime Control Section ~Overview~ > About computer crime


We talked to the Cyber Crime Control Division about computer crime.

                        <figcaption  class=
I have a question about a virus!
I've heard that my computer or smartphone will be infected by a virus.
I've introduced a virus check app. Is there any other app that should be kept at a minimum or a countermeasure to take?
                        <figcaption  class=
When using the Internet, you should always put one antivirus software in it.
Put in an app that suits you while looking at the price.
At that time, it's important not only to put in the app, but also keep it up to date.
                        <figcaption  class=
I was satisfied just by putting in the app...
I'm going to check with the update frequently after entering it!
                        <figcaption  class=
After that, it is important not to download unnecessary files and not opening the email attachment unnecessarily.
                        <figcaption  class=
I see!
If it says it's free, I'll download it, so I'll be careful.
Is there an easy way to check if my device gets infected with a virus?
                        <figcaption  class=
There is a way to check with antivirus software.
Let's be careful because there are viruses with incubation functions.
                        <figcaption  class=
What should I do first and how should I deal with it if I get infected by the virus?
                        <figcaption  class=
First, it is important to separate it from the network.
For example, if it's a smartphone, put it in airplane mode, and if it's a personal computer, unplug the LAN cable or disconnect the Wi-Fi connection.
After doing these, we will deal with them calmly.
It's better to suspend using credit cards as soon as possible! Please suspend or change your account as soon as possible.
Since viruses may attract additional viruses, it's best to reset your device to factory settings, if it's a personal computer.
                        <figcaption  class=
I understand.
If my device gets infected with a virus, I shouldn't panic, and deal with it immediately.
Thank you for teaching me how to get rid of a virus!

Let's protect our smartphones and computers from viruses!
First, try downloading antivirus software.
Check its status frequently when you put it in! Don't forget!

We talked to the Cyber Crime Control Section >
About network crimes >
This web-based material is participating in
the 24th Japan Junior high school/high school Web contest.