
Home > Collection of useful sites

Site information

What will they ask you when you ask for help?

 From Mr. Shuhei Sumikawa and Mr. Hiroyuki Kitamura of the Cyber Crime Control Section, Community Safety Division, Nara Prefectural Police Headquarters
                        <figcaption  class=
We ask for specific information such as "where, when, what, and how".
We will also ask for the name and address of the person requesting for help.
Some people may feel uneasy about being asked for their personal information.
We're not doubting it, but we do need to make sure the person exists.
If you don't want to give your name out, you can remain anonymous!

Collection of useful sites

 Mr. Shuhei Sumikawa and Mr. Hiroyuki Kitamura of the Cyber Crime Control Section, Community Safety Division, Nara Prefectural Police Headquarters, told us about it. More information can be found「奈良県警察-各種相談-[Nara Prefectural Police-Various consultation-]」(に掲載されています。 In addition, except for numbers with #, the phone number changes for each prefecture. Therefore, check the URL where the phone number for each prefecture is listed in one place.

General consultation (nationwide)  #9110
Sex Offense Consultation Phone (nationwide)  #8103
Juvenile consultation service (bullying, etc.)  警察庁,
都道府県警察の少年相談窓口 (Prefectural police juvenile consultation service),
(accessed 2021/12/31)
Drug Consultation Service  警察庁,
薬物相談窓口 (Drug Consultation Service),
(accessed 2021/12/31)

 Also, these days there are systems that allow you to consult effortlessly through social networking sites. We encourage you to use it.

Mamoroyokokoro  厚生労働省,
SNS相談 (Social media Consultation),
(accessed 2021/12/31)

I think people find it difficult to go to talk with the police.
However, the only way to solve the problem is to have the courage to ask for help.
With just one act of courage, you can start to improve your situation.
With just one act of courage, you will have many allies to help you.


Home > Collection of useful sites

Site information

What will they ask you when you ask for help?

 From Mr. Shuhei Sumikawa and Mr. Hiroyuki Kitamura of the Cyber Crime Control Section, Community Safety Division, Nara Prefectural Police Headquarters
                        <figcaption  class=
We ask for specific information such as "where, when, what, and how".
We will also ask for the name and address of the person requesting for help.
Some people may feel uneasy about being asked for their personal information.
We're not doubting it, but we do need to make sure the person exists.
If you don't want to give your name out, you can remain anonymous!

Collection of useful sites

 Mr. Shuhei Sumikawa and Mr. Hiroyuki Kitamura of the Cyber Crime Control Section, Community Safety Division, Nara Prefectural Police Headquarters, told us about it. More information can be found「奈良県警察-各種相談-[Nara Prefectural Police-Various consultation-]」(に掲載されています。 In addition, except for numbers with #, the phone number changes for each prefecture. Therefore, check the URL where the phone number for each prefecture is listed in one place.

General consultation (nationwide)  #9110
Sex Offense Consultation Phone (nationwide)  #8103
Juvenile consultation service (bullying, etc.)  警察庁,
都道府県警察の少年相談窓口 (Prefectural police juvenile consultation service),
(accessed 2021/12/31)
Drug Consultation Service  警察庁,
薬物相談窓口 (Drug Consultation Service),
(accessed 2021/12/31)

 Also, these days there are systems that allow you to consult effortlessly through social networking sites. We encourage you to use it.

Mamoroyokokoro  厚生労働省,
SNS相談 (Social media Consultation),
(accessed 2021/12/31)

I think people find it difficult to go to talk with the police.
However, the only way to solve the problem is to have the courage to ask for help.
With just one act of courage, you can start to improve your situation.
With just one act of courage, you will have many allies to help you.

This web-based material is participating in
the 24th Japan Junior high school/high school Web contest.