
Home > How much is copyrighted?

Information literacy

What are copyright?

 In our daily lives, we read books, magazines and novels, listen to music on CDs, appreciate art works such as paintings and sculptures, and enjoy TV dramas, movies and cartoons.
 In fact, these things are expressions of the creator's own thoughts and feelings, and these creations are called "works". The creator of the work is called the "author/artist" and the rights granted by law to the creator are called "copyrights". Specifically, these rights include the right to reproduce a work and the right to make it available to many people. These rights are granted only to the creator, and any reproduction or publication of a work by anyone other than the creator is considered "copyright infringement".

Are you infringing without realizing it?

 Surprisingly, there are many things around us that constitute copyright infringement.
 For example, "scanning and publishing manga," "using images taken from the Internet without permission," and "copying and selling game software without permission". Copyright infringement is punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment or a fine of up to 10 million yen. If you think your actions are not infringing on copyright, but in fact they are, you are in trouble!
 If you know the above cases, you can prevent yourself from saying, "I was infringing without knowing it!” If you are aware of the above cases, you will be able to avoid such situations.

How not to infringe copyrights & how not to be infringed

〇What can we do to avoid copyright infringement?
 First of all, it is important not to download software that is available on the Internet without permission. If you have no choice but to download it, make sure there are no warning signs.

〇What can we do to prevent copyright infringement?
 It is important to clearly indicate to the other party that "this is a copyrighted work" in a way that they can understood. If fact that the material copyrighted is difficult to understand or is not clearly indicated, it is easy to be quoted without permission.

Even if you do not think your actions are wrong, there is a good chance that you have committed copyright infringement.
However, sometimes it is not enough to be unaware.
Therefore, it is important to make sure that you know whether your actions constitute infringement or not.


Home > How much is copyrighted?

Information literacy

What are copyright?

 In our daily lives, we read books, magazines and novels, listen to music on CDs, appreciate art works such as paintings and sculptures, and enjoy TV dramas, movies and cartoons.
 In fact, these things are expressions of the creator's own thoughts and feelings, and these creations are called "works". The creator of the work is called the "author/artist" and the rights granted by law to the creator are called "copyrights". Specifically, these rights include the right to reproduce a work and the right to make it available to many people. These rights are granted only to the creator, and any reproduction or publication of a work by anyone other than the creator is considered "copyright infringement".

Are you infringing without realizing it?

 Surprisingly, there are many things around us that constitute copyright infringement.
 For example, "scanning and publishing manga," "using images taken from the Internet without permission," and "copying and selling game software without permission". Copyright infringement is punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment or a fine of up to 10 million yen. If you think your actions are not infringing on copyright, but in fact they are, you are in trouble!
 If you know the above cases, you can prevent yourself from saying, "I was infringing without knowing it!” If you are aware of the above cases, you will be able to avoid such situations.

How not to infringe copyrights & how not to be infringed

〇What can we do to avoid copyright infringement?
 First of all, it is important not to download software that is available on the Internet without permission. If you have no choice but to download it, make sure there are no warning signs.

〇What can we do to prevent copyright infringement?
 It is important to clearly indicate to the other party that "this is a copyrighted work" in a way that they can understood. If fact that the material copyrighted is difficult to understand or is not clearly indicated, it is easy to be quoted without permission.

Even if you do not think your actions are wrong, there is a good chance that you have committed copyright infringement.
However, sometimes it is not enough to be unaware.
Therefore, it is important to make sure that you know whether your actions constitute infringement or not.

This web-based material is participating in
the 24th Japan Junior high school/high school Web contest.