
Home > What's going on in Japan now?

Danger right next to you

What's going on in Japan now?

It has become common practice for junior and high school students to use Internet devices.

 According to a survey※1 conducted by NTT DOCOMO Mobile Society Research Institute in January 2021, ownership of smartphones and cell phones was 4% in 2010 but will exceed 90% by 2021. According to data from the Benesse Institute for Educational Research※2, the cell phone usage rate is 30% among elementary school students, 50% among junior high school students, and 90% among high school students. Among high school students, there is no longer any difference in ownership rates by region. In our survey, more than 90% of junior and senior high school students use SNS.
 As the rate of SNS ownership increases, the number of incidents triggered by SNS is also increasing. In May 2020, a female professional wrestler committed suicide after being slandered on social networking sites, and in November 2020, the Machida City Board of Education lent students digital learning devices. In November 2020, a sixth-grade girl committed suicide due to cyberbullying using the chat function of a digital learning device loaned to her by the Machida City Board of Education. Even people infected with the new coronavirus and medical personnel have been victims of slander.
 In view of the above situation, we believe that everyone should be aware that the online community is a dangerous place to live."everyone should be aware that the online community is a dangerous place to live".

Figure Smartphone ownership rate※1



Home > What's going on in Japan now?

Danger right next to you

What's going on in Japan now?

It has become common practice for junior and high school students to use Internet devices.

 According to a survey※1 conducted by NTT DOCOMO Mobile Society Research Institute in January 2021, ownership of smartphones and cell phones was 4% in 2010 but will exceed 90% by 2021. According to data from the Benesse Institute for Educational Research※2, the cell phone usage rate is 30% among elementary school students, 50% among junior high school students, and 90% among high school students. Among high school students, there is no longer any difference in ownership rates by region. In our survey, more than 90% of junior and senior high school students use SNS.
 As the rate of SNS ownership increases, the number of incidents triggered by SNS is also increasing. In May 2020, a female professional wrestler committed suicide after being slandered on social networking sites, and in November 2020, the Machida City Board of Education lent students digital learning devices. In November 2020, a sixth-grade girl committed suicide due to cyberbullying using the chat function of a digital learning device loaned to her by the Machida City Board of Education. Even people infected with the new coronavirus and medical personnel have been victims of slander.
 In view of the above situation, we believe that everyone should be aware that the online community is a dangerous place to live."everyone should be aware that the online community is a dangerous place to live".


Figure Smartphone ownership rate※1


※1  ・モバイル社会研究所,スマートフォン比率92.8%に:2010年は約4% ここ10年で一気に普及 (Smartphone ownership at 92.8%: About 4% in 2010, Spreading rapidly in the last 10 years.),2021/4/14,(,(accessed 2021/9/24) Graph citation
※2  ・ベネッセ教育総合研究所,子どものICT利用実態調査 (Survey on children's use of ICT),(,(accessed 2021/9/16)
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the 24th Japan Junior high school/high school Web contest.