
Home > Reference



・弁護士費用保険メルシー,侮辱罪が成立する要件と典型的なケース|時効や慰謝料の相場を解説 (What are the requirements for insult and typical cases|Explaining the statute of limitations and the market price of compensation),2021/5/21,(,(accessed 2021/9/29)
・reddit,[OC]I hope you find this one more veautiful than the last - updated table on time to brute force passwords,2020,(, (accessed 2021/9/30)


●Malicious Commercial Code
・大阪府警察,「悪質商法」とは、どのようなものですか? (What is "malicious business"?),(,(accessed 2021/10/2)
●Child prostitution, Child pornography
・刑事事件弁護士ナビ,児童買春・児童ポルノ禁止法とは (What is the Child Prostitution and Child Pornography Prevention Act?),2021/2/18,(,(accessed 2021/10/3)
●Slander and libel
・Weblio辞書,誹謗中傷 (Slander),(,(accessed 2021/9/29)
・弁護士保険エール少額短期保険,名誉毀損とは?認められる要件や判例・慰謝料について知る (What is defamation? Learn about the requirements, precedents, and fees that allow it.),2020/11/6,(,(accessed 2021/10/2)
・LEGAL MALL,侮辱罪とは?|被害を受けた時に役立つ6つの知識を弁護士が解説 (What is contempt?|A lawyer will explain the six things that are useful when you are victimized.),2021/6/26,(,(accessed 2021/10/1)
・厚生労働省,PTSD/心の病気を知る (PTSD/Understanding Mental Illness.),(,(accessed 2021/9/29)

What's going on in Japan now?

●Survey of "Mobailusyakaikenkyuzyo"
・モバイル社会研究所,スマートフォン比率92.8%に:2010/は約4% ここ10/で一気に普及 (Smartphone ownership at 92.8%: About 4% in 2010, Spreading rapidly in the last 10 years.),2021/4/14,(,(accessed 2021/9/24) Graph citation
●Survey of "Benessekyoikusogokenkyusyonotyosa"
・ベネッセ教育総合研究所,子どものICT利用実態調査 (Survey on children's use of ICT),(,(accessed 2021/9/16)

What is information literacy?

・消費者問題アラカルト,フェイクニュース拡散のしくみと私たちに求められるリテラシー (How Fake News Spreads and what literacy is required of us),(,(accessed 2021/9/18)
・アセット,情報リテラシーとは何か?本来の意味や情報リテラシーを向上する方法について (What is information literacy? What it really means and how to improve your information literacy),2021/3/4,(,(accessed 2021/9/17)

How to create the strongest passwords!

・Oregon FBI Tech Tuesday: Building a Digital Defense with Passwords — FBI,(,(accessed 2021/9/30)

How to distinguish hoax information

●Case 1 Toilet paper is gone
・Yahoo!JAPAN ニュース,「トイレットペーパーはなぜ消えたのか:みんなのことを考えることがあなたの家庭を救うことに」(Why Toilet Paper Disappeared: Thinking of everyone will save your family.),2020/3/1,(,(accessed 2021/9/2)
・東大新聞オンライン,「トイレットペーパーなぜ消えた?新型コロナウイルス感染拡大での集合心理を分析①【社会心理学編】」(Why did the toilet paper disappear? Analyzing collective psychology in the spread of new coronaviruses ①【Social Psychology, ed.】),2020/5/20,(,(accessed 2021/9/2)
●Case 2 Kumamoto earthquake
・東スポWeb,「熊本地震「ライオン脱走デマ」で逮捕!現地が迷惑した罪の大きさ」(Arrest for "lion escape hoax" in Kumamoto earthquake! The magnitude of the crime that annoyed the local people),2016/7/21,(,(accessed 2021/9/4)
・HUFFPOST,「「ライオン逃げた」熊本地震のデマ情報を拡散した疑い 20歳男を逮捕」(20-Year-Old Man Arrested on Suspicion of Spreading False Information about Kumamoto Earthquake: "Lion Escaped".),2016/7/21,(,(accessed 2021/9/5)

Is that slander, by any chance?

・清水 陽平,ネットで誹謗中傷した相手を特定する方法!情報開示請求の手順を解説 (How to identify the person who slandered you on the Internet! Explains the procedure for requesting disclosure of information),2020/11/24,(,(accessed 2021/9/30)

Can we do our own fingerprinting?!

・山崎 友紀,家庭でトライ!! 指紋の採取をしてみよう!(ガラスコップについた指紋を検出する実験)(Try it at home!! Let's try fingerprinting!(An experiment to detect fingerprints on a glass cup.)),2021/2/28,(,(accessed 2021/9/3)
・知ったか,iPhoneの指紋認証がセロハンテープで突破できるってホント!? (Is it true that iPhone fingerprint authentication can be broken through with cellophane tape!?),2018/1/18,(,(accessed 2021/9/13)

Can you get fingerprints off photo?!

・遠藤 政樹,「ピースサイン」のSNS投稿に要注意!3メートル離れても指紋は読み取れます (Be careful about posting "peace signs" on social media! Your fingerprints can be read from 3 meters away.),2017/12/5,(,(accessed 2021/9/3)
・LRM株式会社,ピースサインは危険?写真から指紋が盗難・複製されるかも (Is the Peace Sign Dangerous? It May Be Possible to Steal and Duplicate Fingerprints from Photos),2017/10/11,(,(accessed 2021/9/3)

Location information hidden in photos?!

・Apple,iPhone、iPad、iPod touch で位置情報サービスと GPS のオン/オフを切り替える (Turning Location Services and GPS on and off on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.),2021/3/11,(,(accessed 2021/10/18)
・Androidスマホの使い方 初心者編,位置情報をオフするには (beginner's version, how to turn off the location information),(,(accessed 2021/10/18)
・Apple,写真のExif削除 Photo Secure (Remove Exif from photos,Photo Secure),(,(accessed 2021/10/18)
・荻窪圭,「Google フォト」で地図から写真を探せるようになった! その使い勝手は? (Google Photos now allows you to search for photos by map! How easy is it to use?),2020/7/23,(,(accessed 2021/9/3)
・りんごの使い方,【iPhone・iPad】写真や動画の撮影場所を知る方法 (【iPhone・iPad】How to know where the photo or video was taken.),2021/2/28,(,(accessed 2021/9/13)

Collection of useful sites

・奈良県警察,各種相談 (Various consultations),2021/7/9,(,(accessed 2021/10/8)
・警察庁,都道府県警察の少年相談窓口 (Prefectural police juvenile consultation service),2021/6,(,(accessed 2021/12/31)
・警察庁,薬物相談窓口 (Drug Consultation Service),(,(accessed 2021/12/31)
・厚生労働省,SNS相談 (social media Consultation),(,(accessed 2021/12/31)

Home > Reference



・弁護士費用保険メルシー,侮辱罪が成立する要件と典型的なケース|時効や慰謝料の相場を解説 (What are the requirements for insult and typical cases|Explaining the statute of limitations and the market price of compensation),2021/5/21,(,(accessed 2021/9/29)
・reddit,[OC]I hope you find this one more veautiful than the last - updated table on time to brute force passwords,2020,(, (accessed 2021/9/30)


●Malicious Commercial Code
・大阪府警察,「悪質商法」とは、どのようなものですか? (What is "malicious business"?),(,(accessed 2021/10/2)
●Child prostitution, Child pornography
・刑事事件弁護士ナビ,児童買春・児童ポルノ禁止法とは (What is the Child Prostitution and Child Pornography Prevention Act?),2021/2/18,(,(accessed 2021/10/3)
●Slander and libel
・Weblio辞書,誹謗中傷 (Slander),(,(accessed 2021/9/29)
・弁護士保険エール少額短期保険,名誉毀損とは?認められる要件や判例・慰謝料について知る (What is defamation? Learn about the requirements, precedents, and fees that allow it.),2020/11/6,(,(accessed 2021/10/2)
・LEGAL MALL,侮辱罪とは?|被害を受けた時に役立つ6つの知識を弁護士が解説 (What is contempt?|A lawyer will explain the six things that are useful when you are victimized.),2021/6/26,(,(accessed 2021/10/1)
・厚生労働省,PTSD/心の病気を知る (PTSD/Understanding Mental Illness.),(,(accessed 2021/9/29)

What's going on in Japan now?

●Survey of "Mobailusyakaikenkyuzyo"
・モバイル社会研究所,スマートフォン比率92.8%に:2010/は約4% ここ10/で一気に普及 (Smartphone ownership at 92.8%: About 4% in 2010, Spreading rapidly in the last 10 years.),2021/4/14,(,(accessed 2021/9/24) Graph citation
●Survey of "Benessekyoikusogokenkyusyonotyosa"
・ベネッセ教育総合研究所,子どものICT利用実態調査 (Survey on children's use of ICT),(,(accessed 2021/9/16)

What is information literacy?

・消費者問題アラカルト,フェイクニュース拡散のしくみと私たちに求められるリテラシー (How Fake News Spreads and what literacy is required of us),(,(accessed 2021/9/18)
・アセット,情報リテラシーとは何か?本来の意味や情報リテラシーを向上する方法について (What is information literacy? What it really means and how to improve your information literacy),2021/3/4,(,(accessed 2021/9/17)

How to create the strongest passwords!

・Oregon FBI Tech Tuesday: Building a Digital Defense with Passwords — FBI,(,(accessed 2021/9/30)

How to distinguish hoax information

●Case 1 Toilet paper is gone
・Yahoo!JAPAN ニュース,「トイレットペーパーはなぜ消えたのか:みんなのことを考えることがあなたの家庭を救うことに」(Why Toilet Paper Disappeared: Thinking of everyone will save your family.),2020/3/1,(,(accessed 2021/9/2)
・東大新聞オンライン,「トイレットペーパーなぜ消えた?新型コロナウイルス感染拡大での集合心理を分析①【社会心理学編】」(Why did the toilet paper disappear? Analyzing collective psychology in the spread of new coronaviruses ①【Social Psychology, ed.】),2020/5/20,(,(accessed 2021/9/2)
●Case 2 Kumamoto earthquake
・東スポWeb,「熊本地震「ライオン脱走デマ」で逮捕!現地が迷惑した罪の大きさ」(Arrest for "lion escape hoax" in Kumamoto earthquake! The magnitude of the crime that annoyed the local people),2016/7/21,(,(accessed 2021/9/4)
・HUFFPOST,「「ライオン逃げた」熊本地震のデマ情報を拡散した疑い 20歳男を逮捕」(20-Year-Old Man Arrested on Suspicion of Spreading False Information about Kumamoto Earthquake: "Lion Escaped".),2016/7/21,(,(accessed 2021/9/5)

Is that slander, by any chance?

・清水 陽平,ネットで誹謗中傷した相手を特定する方法!情報開示請求の手順を解説 (How to identify the person who slandered you on the Internet! Explains the procedure for requesting disclosure of information),2020/11/24,(,(accessed 2021/9/30)

Can we do our own fingerprinting?!

・山崎 友紀,家庭でトライ!! 指紋の採取をしてみよう!(ガラスコップについた指紋を検出する実験)(Try it at home!! Let's try fingerprinting!(An experiment to detect fingerprints on a glass cup.)),2021/2/28,(,(accessed 2021/9/3)
・知ったか,iPhoneの指紋認証がセロハンテープで突破できるってホント!? (Is it true that iPhone fingerprint authentication can be broken through with cellophane tape!?),2018/1/18,(,(accessed 2021/9/13)

Can you get fingerprints off photo?!

・遠藤 政樹,「ピースサイン」のSNS投稿に要注意!3メートル離れても指紋は読み取れます (Be careful about posting "peace signs" on social media! Your fingerprints can be read from 3 meters away.),2017/12/5,(,(accessed 2021/9/3)
・LRM株式会社,ピースサインは危険?写真から指紋が盗難・複製されるかも (Is the Peace Sign Dangerous? It May Be Possible to Steal and Duplicate Fingerprints from Photos),2017/10/11,(,(accessed 2021/9/3)

Location information hidden in photos?!

・Apple,iPhone、iPad、iPod touch で位置情報サービスと GPS のオン/オフを切り替える (Turning Location Services and GPS on and off on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.),2021/3/11,(,(accessed 2021/10/18)
・Androidスマホの使い方 初心者編,位置情報をオフするには (beginner's version, how to turn off the location information),(,(accessed 2021/10/18)
・Apple,写真のExif削除 Photo Secure (Remove Exif from photos,Photo Secure),(,(accessed 2021/10/18)
・荻窪圭,「Google フォト」で地図から写真を探せるようになった! その使い勝手は? (Google Photos now allows you to search for photos by map! How easy is it to use?),2020/7/23,(,(accessed 2021/9/3)
・りんごの使い方,【iPhone・iPad】写真や動画の撮影場所を知る方法 (【iPhone・iPad】How to know where the photo or video was taken.),2021/2/28,(,(accessed 2021/9/13)

Collection of useful sites

・奈良県警察,各種相談 (Various consultations),2021/7/9,(,(accessed 2021/10/8)
・警察庁,都道府県警察の少年相談窓口 (Prefectural police juvenile consultation service),2021/6,(,(accessed 2021/12/31)
・警察庁,薬物相談窓口 (Drug Consultation Service),(,(accessed 2021/12/31)
・厚生労働省,SNS相談 (social media Consultation),(,(accessed 2021/12/31)
This web-based material is participating in
the 24th Japan Junior high school/high school Web contest.