
HomeWe talked to the psychologist > What is the psychology of people who slander on the Internet?


What is the psychology of people who slander on the Internet?

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Why is there so much slander on the Internet...
What is the psychology of a person who slanders others?
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I think it's due to a kind of optimism.
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Optimism in slandering people, how can that be!?
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Does everyone know the word "competent"?
A sense of competence is the feeling of perceiving yourself as competent.
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Subconsciously, I wonder if I have a sense of competence...?
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There are two ways to increase your sense of competence: the first is to work hard to improve yourself.
The second is to make yourself feel relatively more competent by belittling those around you.
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The second one is called virtual competence.
Many people who try to feel a sense of virtual competence have an inferiority complexes or low self-esteem.
One way to recover from feelings of inferiority, etc., is to talk badly about people on the Internet.
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So, by slandering them, you are unconsciously increasing your own sense of competence.
The feeling of optimism and competence comes from trying to make yourself look better than others ...
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Thank you for letting me know!

There is no good reason why you should slander anyone anywhere.
Wouldn't you like to feel more competent on your own, not at the expense of someone else?
Let's use words that you can hold yourself accountable for.


HomeWe talked to the psychologist > What is the psychology of people who slander on the Internet?


What is the psychology of people who slander on the Internet?

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Why is there so much slander on the Internet...
What is the psychology of a person who slanders others?
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I think it's due to a kind of optimism.
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Optimism in slandering people, how can that be!?
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Does everyone know the word "competent"?
A sense of competence is the feeling of perceiving yourself as competent.
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Subconsciously, I wonder if I have a sense of competence...?
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There are two ways to increase your sense of competence: the first is to work hard to improve yourself.
The second is to make yourself feel relatively more competent by belittling those around you.
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The second one is called virtual competence.
Many people who try to feel a sense of virtual competence have an inferiority complexes or low self-esteem.
One way to recover from feelings of inferiority, etc., is to talk badly about people on the Internet.
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So, by slandering them, you are unconsciously increasing your own sense of competence.
The feeling of optimism and competence comes from trying to make yourself look better than others ...
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Thank you for letting me know!

There is no good reason why you should slander anyone anywhere.
Wouldn't you like to feel more competent on your own, not at the expense of someone else?
Let's use words that you can hold yourself accountable for.

How to stay motivated when you are a victim of cyberbullying? >
This web-based material is participating in
the 24th Japan Junior high school/high school Web contest.