
Obligation to pay taxes


low birth rate and longevity

Currently, Japan is growing a serious decline in birthrate and aging population, and this momentum is expected to continue unabated and progress rapidly.

↑Changes in population by age group and aging rate(Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)

And this declining birthrate and aging population is going to have a huge impact on us all.
In Japan, young people pay taxes to support the medical expenses and pensions of the elderly.
However, as the birth rate declines and the population ages, it is necessary to collect a lot of taxes from a small number of young people.
In other words, the burden per young person will be higher.

Other effects include the following. To prevent such a situation, we need to shift from a social security system that focuses on the elderly to one that covers all generations, create an economic environment that makes it easier for young people to marry and give birth, and improve the quality of measures to support child rearing.
In addition, as a countermeasure against the aging of society, efforts are being made to establish a basic framework, divided into the fields of employment and income, health and welfare, learning and social participation, living environment, research and development, and contribution to the international community, based on the "*Basic Act on Measures for the Aging Society," which was established for the purpose of promoting the sound development of the economy and society and the stable improvement of people's lives.

*Basic Act on Measures for the Aging Society
A law aimed at comprehensively promoting measures for an aging society, sound economic and social development, and stable improvement of the lives of the people.
It is committed to building a prosperous society that is fair, vibrant, and where communities are formed in the spirit of self-reliance and solidarity.


・Due to the declining birthrate and aging population, there are concerns that the future tax burden on the young will be greater.

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