Frozen Foods in the U.K.

Flag of the United Kingdom

(From the 地図に使えるフリー素材.jp)

Frozen Food in the U.K.

Many people think of British food as afternoon tea or roast beef, and you may not think of it like frozen food, but Britain is also known as a major frozen food nation. The per capita consumption of frozen foods is the highest! Like Picard in France, there is a chain store in the UK called "ICELAND", which specializes in frozen foods. It is so popular that it has 900 stores in England and is loved by many people. Next, let's see what kind of company ICELAND is!

What Kind of Store Is ICELAND?

Efforts for Safety and Convenience of Frozen Foods

Eliminate genetically modified ingredients

In the 1980s, ICELAND pioneered efforts to eliminate artificial colorants, chemical seasonings, and genetically modified components from its products. In the 1990s, they launched the first delivery service in the UK, pursuing product safety and convenience. ICELAND is a leader in the UK food industry, often elected to the Online Supermarket of the Year.

Efforts for Plastic Waste

ICELAND has announced that it will discontinue plastic packaging for all products by 2023. Instead, it seems that ICELAND will introduce trays and packages made of paper materials that can be recycled. Iceland has already stopped using plastic straws and is a leader in plastic waste initiatives. Not only convenience but also a consideration for the environment is a popular secret.

Efforts to Eliminate Prejudice against Frozen Foods

Efforts are being made to eliminate consumer concerns about the convenience and safety of frozen foods and to change their perceptions of frozen foods. With the phrase "Because It's Frozen", there is an initiative called Power of Frozen that conveys the safety and environmental benefits of frozen foods. We are making food that consumers can eat with peace of mind by breaking down the image of frozen food which is bad for our body and the environment!


In ICELAND, efforts were being made to develop products with high safety and convenience and to change the perception of frozen foods for consumers. If environmental consideration and further safety are ensured, more people will be able to eat frozen foods with peace of mind. Efforts to deal with plastic waste are also increasing.