Domestic and International Markets
Compare Japanese frozen food brands to frozen foods from other nations.
Domestic Market Structure
In this part, we describe the frozen food market in four forms: convenience stores, supermarkets, co-op stores, and mail orders. Let's explore how frozen foods are being sold!
"Picard" from France
France is sixth in the world in terms of annual per capita frozen food consumption (according to "Statistics on Frozen Foods, 2020" by the Japan Frozen Foods Association). There is a supermarket in France called "Picard" that specializes in frozen goods. In France, there are about 920 of them! Let's take a closer look at frozen meals in France!
Frozen Foods in Other Countries
In this part, we'll focus on frozen foods in the United Kingdom, which has the fourth-highest annual per capita consumption of frozen foods in the world, and Italy, which has the seventh-highest per capita consumption of frozen foods in the world (according to "Various Statistics on Frozen Foods, 2020" by the Japan Frozen Food Association).