
Associatiozn of Japanese rice flour

We are grateful to the association of rice flour in Japan for sharing the interview contents below. Mr. Takahashi, a special advisor for the association of Japanese rice flour and the rice world 21, has shared the talks on the following topics with us.

・What are the technology of fine-grinding of rice flour with enzymes?
・What is alphaized flour?
・What are some characteristics of gluten-added rice flour?
・Why are the production costs of rice flour higher than those of wheat flour?
・How much rice flour is produced in a day?
・How can we increase the number of rice farmers?

Now, I will ask you questions in the same way as the memo above.

First of all, your company's website states that it uses enzymes to finely grind rice flour. What exactly is this technology?
There's a reason why we use enzymes to grind.
Rice has very hard cell walls, so it is not possible to grind rice in the same way as wheat.
Therefore, enzymes are used, just like breaking down the nails that support the walls of buildings, softening the rice,
and then pulverizing the rice using air flow pulverization to create a finer powder.
This air flow crusher uses air to crush rice, so it can crush rice starch without destroying it.

I see. In other words, by using enzymes,
it has become possible to mill rice flour that is easier to grind and has less starch damage by using air flow grinding.
That's right.

Next, I would like to know about "gelatinized powder."
Okay.First, there is a state called betaization, which is the opposite of alphaization. This is the "raw rice state." On the other hand, gelatinization means that rice is in a "heat-treated state." Pregelatinized flour cannot be used alone as a product, but when used in combination with betaized rice flour, it plays the role of an auxiliary agent, adding flavor and stabilizing the dough.

That's right. It turns out that gelatinized flour is also a type of rice flour that is essential.
Let's move on to the next question. Why do we make rice flour with added gluten, and what is the difference between it and 100% rice flour? The question is,

Actually, when you try to make bread with 100% rice flour, you end up using something called ``polysaccharide thickener'' because it doesn't have gluten. However, by adding gluten, you can make bread with just rice flour and gluten. In other words, it becomes easier to process.This means that rice flour can be used as a substitute for wheat flour. Of course, we also need products made from 100% rice flour for those with gluten allergies. However, what is even more important is that ``rice flour + gluten'' can replace wheat flour and increase the consumption of rice flour in Japan as much as possible. It is very important to increase the amount of rice flour contained in bread even by 10%.

That's great. I realized that a multiple approach is very important to popularize rice flour.
That's right. It is said that human taste formation is completed around the time of elementary school, and it is a good idea to incorporate it into school lunches. Such initiatives are spreading to each prefecture. Bakeries are not used to making rice flour bread yet, although they are receiving subsidies, so we are also holding seminars and other initiatives to promote rice flour.

That's right. It turns out that gelatinized flour is also a type of rice flour that is essential.

That's right. As for the question, “What is the reason why rice flour costs more than wheat?,” there are no wholesalers of rice flour all over Japan, so if you want to buy rice flour in Kashiwa, for example, you have to bring that rice flour from places like Gunma Prefecture. As you can see, the distribution system for rice flour is not as well-structured as that for wheat. In fact, there is not that much difference in factory production prices between rice flour and wheat. However, while wheat is milled in large quantities, rice flour is milled in small quantities. Therefore, if you compare the price of 1 kg of rice flour and wheat, wheat will inevitably be cheaper. Also, processing costs are higher for rice flour. In order to change this current situation, it is necessary to make bakeries and supermarkets aware of the increasing demand for rice flour. What everyone can do starting tomorrow is to go to a nearby bakery and ask, ``Do you have rice flour bread?'' If this kind of demand spreads, producers will also learn that the demand for rice flour is increasing, and more products using rice flour may become available.

.I think so, too. I think the people should think more about farmers as the supply base for crops. Thank you for taking time to answer so many questions today. I was able to learn about various current aspects of rice flour, from rice flour milling and processing technology to issues with the distribution network. In order to let as many people know about the appeal of rice flour, we will first go to a bakery and ask, “Do you have rice flour bread?'' Thank you for joining this us today.

Thank you for your cooperation, Association of Japan rice flour!