home>Interview/Experience>Mayor of Akitakata City

■About regional revitalization

ーI think it is necessary to increase tax revenue for regional revitalization, but what do you think is important for regional revitalization?

I think increasing tax revenue is extremely difficult, almost impossible, and will not increase tax revenue.While the population is decreasing, there are consumption taxes, residence taxes, and income taxes paid by adults, but as the population decreases, tax revenue will also decline.Since there are 1,700 municipalities other than Akitakata City, the share of each city is also small. Basically, it is impossible to increase tax revenue. Currently, there is a hometown tax payment system, but it is temporary and not permanent.So we need a way that doesn't rely on that. This may sound dark, but Japan ranks third in terms of GDP, and will fall below Germany to fourth place. I think it would be difficult to live my current life as it is The important thing is not how to get better someday, but how to survive. Small local governments cannot survive if they are left alone.Akitakata City is in a state where it may go bankrupt in 10 to 20 years, so the aim of regional revitalization in Akitakata City is to not destroy the town in 10 to 20 years, which is a low point of view and expectations are low.I'm on the brink of not knowing if I can even do that. For this reason, I think it is best to condense the town in the first place.Akitakada City has a population density of 50 people per square kilometer, and compared to the city center, it is sparse and many things are inefficient.The future survival strategy is to become a compact city. Tokyo will no longer develop. In particular, the inside of the Yamanote Line is too crowded, and although Tokyo's 23 wards are undergoing redevelopment, cost performance is not good as they are trying to raise their score from 98 to 99 or 100. In that case, it would be better to improve the region to 50, 60, or 70 points.Speaking of Akitakata City, I think it would be better to aim for Hiroshima City instead of aiming for Tokyo.

our opinion

We often hear about rising prices on the internet, TV, newspapers, etc., and the burden on individuals is only increasing.The current situation is that the population decline cannot be stopped and the burden on each individual is extremely heavy.As rural depopulation progresses, even in the prefecture where we live, I hear stories of towns merging, and I think this is the compact city, a strategy for survival that the mayor was talking about.However, I don't want to stop holding events such as summer festivals because young people are not able to gather in rural areas due to the declining birthrate and aging population. I wanted to preserve the traditions and events that only exist in rural areas.We want to make this a town where people who have left town for work or higher education will want to come back again. I reaffirmed the need to spread the word to as many people as possible and to create a flow of people.

ーThe official website says, "We want to make Akitakata City the most desirable place to live in the world,"
but what kind of city is the most desirable place to live in the world?

I want the city to be a place where people want to live, not just an easy place to live. Although it may not be possible physically, I would like to make the city the most desirable place in the world to live in, spiritually. また、It is important to get to know Akitakata City and share it with others.This is the nuance I put into it. Let's all look for the reason why "this is the best place in your life" Everyone loves this town, right?Let's think about the reasons why we like it, and let's share it with everyone.I am collecting reasons why I want to live for the future.

our opinion

After listening to the mayor's talk, we seriously thought about what kind of town we would like to live in.First of all, in the town where we usually live, there are familiar shops, schools, cram schools, etc., and if you turn down this road you will see a friend's house.It's normal to live here now.The town we live in is close to the city center and convenient, so we don't feel any inconvenience.However, as you go on to higher education or find a job, you may find yourself moving to a different town.If that happens, I think it may be because it's close to work or school, but I'd like to think that it's more mentally comfortable to live in than it is physically convenient.I also think it would be great if there were more adults like the mayor, regardless of age, who would listen.

ーAre there any cities or towns that Mayor Ishimaru has reference or goals for?

It seems like it exists but it doesn't seem like it exists...I've been to many different cities both in Japan and around the world, and each has its own merits.I would like to incorporate a little bit of the goodness of each. Every city has its pros and cons, so no city is perfect. I used to live in New York for work, and I admired it, so going there was exciting and fun.But I don't want to live there forever

our opinion

The mayor has lived in many different areas, so I imagined that he would choose New York, where he lived before, in its glamorous surroundings.However, instead of living in the glamorous New York, he returned to Akitakata City, where he was born and raised, and is now engaged in political activities.The mayor knew Akitakata City very well, and had a very broad perspective that could only come from having lived in other towns and countries.I don't think it's because it's physically convenient such as having a lot of shops, but it's more about the experience that comes from living in many different places.

ーDo you think it is important for each citizen to participate in politics in regional revitalization?

I think it's important, it's necessary. I think you absolutely have to participate. I keep asking if they really chose the council members and the mayor. We are intentionally distributing videos and making them public to everyone. It is not possible for the economy to develop or for society to improve without strong politics. In adult society, there is a lot of power and a lot of money to move around, and Akitakata City has an annual budget of 20 billion yen, and the national budget is about 100 trillion yen. Society will change depending on whether we use it carelessly or with careful consideration. That's why I think each and every citizen has to think hard and participate in politics.

our opinion

In order to get people who are not very interested in politics interested, we are now in an era where you can get them interested through video streaming and SNS, and make them feel familiar.We also learned about Akitakada City through video streaming, and became interested in it, so we requested cooperation for the interview.I think it's important to be interested and participate in politics because it's a small town, rather than saying things won't change anyway because it's a small town.


The reason I decided to do this interview was through SNS.I became interested in Hiroshima Prefecture, and while doing some research, I learned about Akitakata City and found out about Mayor Ishimaru. As we work on the theme of regional revitalization, we thought, "I would love to hear from Mayor Ishimaru, who is fighting to improve the town where he was born and raised and connect it to the future." If Mayor Ishimaru had not become the mayor of Akitakata City, I don't think we would have thought to get to know Akitakata City. When I spoke to Mayor Ishimaru, he told me that realistically, population decline will never stop and regional revitalization will be difficult.
We also believe that it would be difficult to actually stop population decline, and before researching regional revitalization this time, I had never thought of learning about rural areas. But、In order to make Akitakada City the most desirable city in the world to live in, Mayor Ishimaru has drastically revised the city's finances, tried to incorporate new things, and encouraged people of all ages to We thought that interacting with people like us from outside the prefecture would be an opportunity for more people to learn about Akitakada City.
When it comes to politics, I think it is important for each person to have an interest and actively participate in the community.
We thought it would be great if there were more adults like Mayor Ishimaru.In the future, I want to become a person who can see the world, country, and town from various perspectives.

I would like to thank Mayor Ishimaru for the interview.
We hope that this site will be an opportunity for as many people as possible to learn about Akitakata City, Hiroshima Prefecture.

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