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We interviewed people who moved to Tako-Town, Katori-gun, Chiba Prefecture!

Photographed by team members on January 2nd
I received permission to publish the photo.
Thank you for taking the time to interview me.
Please tell me about the town you live in.
When did you move to Tako Town?
Starting from August
It's been about 5 months since I moved here.
Could you please tell me why you moved?
For about two years after we got married, we lived in Abiko City, Chiba Prefecture.
There was an update on the apartment we were living in,
so I was talking with my wife about whether or not we should buy a house.
There were many candidates, but my wife is from Tako Town,
and she asked me to move to Tako Town, so after considering it, I decided to become a resident of Tako Town.
Was there any resistance?
I agree
At first I was very reluctant, but after going there a few times I thought it was a good place and finally decided.
I think it was a great decision to move to Tako Town instead of your hometown.
I thought that if possible, I would like to live in my hometown where I have lived until now.I thought it would be better to be closer to my wife's parents' house in order to have children later on and raise them.
As for the land, we were able to rent land from my wife's parents' home and build a house there, so since we didn't have to pay for land, we were able to build our ideal house.
I have also visited Tako Town many times for interviews.
I heard that Tako Town is very well subsidized by the local government, both in terms of raising children and building houses.
I also think that the people who live there are very kind and it's a very nice town.
What is it like moving to Tako Town?
I actually moved on August 26th, but in order to get everything for my new life, I had to go to neighboring towns like Narita and Sawara to buy everything, so it felt a little inconvenient at first.
It's difficult to get everything in Tako Town.
On the positive side, there are no outside lights near my house at night, so it's pitch black, but I can see the stars very clearly and experience something I can't experience in my hometown.
It's so nice to see the stars clearly
I really feel the charm of the countryside, which can only be felt because there is so much nature, it is quiet, and there are no outside lights.
After actually living there, what are the charms of Tako Town?
Even before moving here, I was curious about what Tako Town was like and researched it on social media.
I didn't think there would be anyone in Tako Town doing video distribution, but I met someone who moved to Tako Town from a different city and is doing radio and video distribution.
As we kept in touch, we became good friends, and the other day I appeared on the radio and he told me about a lot of delicious restaurants.The appeal of Tako Town is that the food is delicious and the people are warm.
It's great for me that the food is delicious.
I also thought that the vegetables and rice in Tako Town were very delicious.
How is the price of food in Tako Town compared to the city center?
Vegetables and rice in Tako Town are very cheap compared to the city center, and they are fresh.
I get a share from my wife's family's farm, and I live in Tako Town eating delicious, fresh vegetables and rice.
Sounds good!
As a result of this interview, I also asked my mother to order rice from Tako Town.
Tako rice is the best!
What is the charm of Tako Town?
Also, don't you wish you hadn't emigrated?
My workplace is now far away, so it's difficult to commute, but everyone in Tako Town is very welcoming, and I even joined the group line in Tako Town, where I met new people.
Unlike the city, it is very quiet and you can relax.
I think the charm of Tako Town is its quiet environment, delicious food, and warm people.
I'm sure your work location is far away and it's difficult to commute, but I can imagine you spending your holidays relaxing and eating delicious food.
Tako Town is a very nice place.
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule.

A word to those who are thinking about immigrating

Photographed by team members
I received permission to post the video

After the interview

I would like to hear from people who have actually immigrated, so I requested an interview.
I was able to imagine my future life in Tako Town, actually look it up on SNS, visit Tako Town many times, learn about Tako Town, and hear the stories of people who decided to move there regardless of their hometown. It was a precious time.Although there are some inconveniences such as shops, I heard that it was a wonderful place to move to where you could feel the connections between people. I also had the opportunity to interact with many people in Tako Town, and I felt that the people of Tako Town were really kind and warm.I hope that our website will draw your attention to the local area even just a little bit.

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