home>Region x Agriculture>Japan's food self-sufficiency rate
I believe that agriculture is important as a part of aiming for sustainable regional revitalization.
I think food is important Japanese vegetables and rice are delicious.
I agree
However, I hear that the number of agricultural workers is aging and decreasing year by year.
Yeah, it's one of the issues in modern society.
I think the region will be revitalized if agriculture is encouraged more.
Yeah, I think so too!
Let's learn so that everyone can become more familiar with agriculture and become interested in food!

About Japanese farmers

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(References Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries:https://www.maff.go.jp/index.html

Key agricultural workers are those who are regularly engaged in self-employed farming. Currently, 1.226 million people are engaged in agriculture, but this number is decreasing year by year.

The reason for the decreasing trend is that the average age of farmers is currently 68.4 years old, and many people tend to retire from farming as they age. Although agricultural mechanization and improvements in production technology have reduced the amount of time it takes to farm, on the other hand, it is difficult to create large plots and introduce large machineries, making farming less efficient.
As a result, we are in a situation where we are not able to develop young people
who will be responsible for local agriculture.
The younger generation has moved to urban areas, and the farming population is aging.

(References Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries:https://www.maff.go.jp/index.html

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Japan's food self-sufficiency rate


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(Created based on the comprehensive occupational self-sufficiency rate and food supply and demand rate table https://www.maff.go.jp/)

The food self-sufficiency rate is an indicator of how much of the food consumed is covered by domestic production.
On the one hand, the calorie-based food delf-sufficiency rate is a calculation of the
proportion of domestically produced products in the daily calorie intake per person,
based on the calories, which are essential for human survival.
On the other hand, focusing on economic value,
the ratio of domestic production to the whole production value of food supplied to the nation
(the amount of food destined for domestic consumption) is called the production value basis,
and the "amount of money" is used as a measuring stick.
As you can see in the graph, both the calorie-based food self-sufficiency rate
and the production value based one are decreasing year by year.
They stay at a low level compared to the top three overseas countries,
with Japan relying on imports for nearly 60%.

Click on graph to enlarge

(Created based on the food self-sufficiency rate by prefecture, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries https://www.maff.go.jp/)

I have summarized the food self-sufficiency rate by prefecture nationwide.
Local areas have a high food self-sufficiency rate.
Rural areas have vast amounts of land compared to urban centers and are suitable for agriculture.
The city center is full of buildings and there is little land, so the self-sufficiency rate will not increase...
I'm sure I've never seen anything made in Tokyo when I go to the supermarket...
There are ingredients from various production areas lined up.
Local agriculture is very important.

Yes, we take it for granted that we can find the ingredients at the supermarket,
but it's because there are farmers who made them.
It turns out that the number of farmers is also decreasing. I want everyone to become more interested in food.
Yes, I want everyone to realize once again the importance of food.

Japan is a country with a low food and energy self-sufficiency rate.
It is very important to increase Japan's food self-sufficiency rate, but both countries can benefit by exchanging what they need and what they are good at through imports with other countries.It also expands consumer choice. Furthermore, importing is necessary because it has the advantage of being able to easily purchase products from overseas.However, due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, imports from Ukraine, which is known as the breadbasket of Europe, have decreased.Japan has a low self-sufficiency rate for grains such as wheat, corn, and sunflower seeds, so it is necessary to import them from Ukraine.What each individual can do may be very small.I think we should never forget that we help each other and complement each other in our lives.

You can feel close to agriculture even in the city center. You can purchase products online

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Interview with Hiroyasu Ogawa of Atsumi Peninsula Tomato Land
We asked why he started the agricultural card project! !

I wanted to boost my industry, but I didn't know what to do, and I got a hint to
start my project when I tweeted it would be fun to make an agricultural card based
on the Aomori prefecture fisherman card I saw on TV.
Although I have never actually met the two farmers face to face, who I had originally
connected with through Twitter, the farm cards were completed through conversations on
smartphones and online meetings via Zoom.
When I tried this project, I found that the farmers' reactions were very positive.
Since the recruitment was limited to Twitter and Instagram, most of the participants
were in their 20s and 30s, and I hear that they are encouraged by seeing people of the same generation across
the country doing their best through the agricultural cards.
It would be a dream-come-true to have your face, the vegetables you grew, and photos
of your fields on the cards and to be delivered to consumers all over the country with the vegetables,
and the cards are collected by the consumers. Also, I would be happy if the consumers who see the cards feel,
 "Wow, vegetables are grown here!" or "It's fun to collect cards!" I also hope that the consumers
and the producers will feel closer to each other and that the way they approach food will change.

Atsumi Peninsula Tomato Land Official HomepageHP here

"Tabe choku"

Delivered by “choku” from farmers and fishermen across the country
Online direct sales shop for carefully selected ingredients and flowers
Delivered directly from producers, you will receive fresh vegetables, fish, flowers, and more.
You can also exchange messages with producers of vegetables and other products.

Click on the image to go to the Tabechok site

In today's convenient world, we can buy vegetables from farms far away.
There are some vegetables from regions that I don't know about yet, so I'd like to try them.
I think it is important to value and support crops that are suitable for the region in regional revitalization.
I want to convey the charm of agriculture to various people.

theregion attempt
of rice>>