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What is regional revitalization?

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To prevent the population from being concentrated in Tokyo (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba), we should put a stop to the population decline in rural areas, and local governments, the national government, and companies should work together to revitalize the regional economy.To revitalize Japan.
By creating regions that suit the times, relocating businesses to local areas, establishing childbirth and childcare support, and creating a flow of people from urban areas to rural areas, we can solve the problems of population decline and economic contraction that many regions are facing. The aim is to create a society where people can live, work, and raise their children with peace of mind in any region.
When the second Abe cabinet was inaugurated in 2014, the government raised the slogan "regional revitalization" with the aim of revitalizing regions.
In order to achieve this goal, the government has raised the slogan "Regional Revitalization," and in 2014, the government has adopted the slogan "Town, People, The Job Creation Headquarters was established.
In addition, the company has set out a long-term vision, such as maintaining a population of around 100 million people in 2060, as a medium- to long-term outlook.
We have summarized the "Long-term Vision for the Creation of Towns, People, and Jobs," as well as the five-year goals, basic direction of measures, and specific measures to realize this vision.
A "Comprehensive Strategy for Revitalizing Towns, People, and Jobs" was formulated.

(Created based on each prefecture's homepage)

National measures: “Long-term vision” and “Comprehensive strategy” for revitalizing towns, people, and jobs

〇Basic goal〇

“Create a region where people can earn money and work with peace of mind.”

“Building connections with local areas and creating a flow of new people to local areas”

"Making your wishes come true for marriage, childbirth, and child-rearing"

“Create attractive areas where people can gather and live with peace of mind.”

〇cross-cutting goals〇

“Promote the active participation of diverse human resources”

"Using the flow of the new era as strength"

【Usage/citation information】Regional revitalization homepage
【Use/quote URL 】https://www.chisou.go.jp/sousei/index.html
【source of information】Regional revitalization homepage
【How to obtain a permit】https://www.chisou.go.jp/sousei/terms.htmlQuote

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