日本語     Sitemap

Patt Patt |  Jan |  Mark |  Riki
Juliana |  Andrea |  Simon

Fourties American Male(It is sex on family register)

Q1.Do you know LGBT?

A1.Yes. My best friend from high school is gay. In college, I worked for a boss who is gay and who introduced me to some of his gay friends.


Q2.What do you think about them?

A2.I think they are wonderful people and support the extension of their rights as a legally-protected minority group..

Q3.Where did you learn about LGBT? (ex. school, work...)

A3.I think it was in college through the boss I mentioned above and through LGBT groups on campus. My best friend in high school didn’t tell me about his sexuality until after college. Where we grew up, there was much discrimination against the LGBT community.

Q4. Did anything change after the same-sex partnership has been established?

A4.I think so. Increases in legal protections for LGBT people like same-sex marriage help reduce discrimination.

Q5.Do you see LGBT couples in your city?

A5.Not where I live now in Ichikawa but I used to see them often when I lived in Boston.

Q6.What do you think about LGBT couples?

A6.I think they are just like heterosexual couples and deserve the same legal protections and respect. Love is love.

Q7.Do you think the same-sex partnership is a good decision?

A7.I do. Such legal statuses are important for improving the lives of individual couples and reducing the overall level of discrimination the LGBT community faces.

          Before:Foreigner interview            Next:Jan
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