日本語     Sitemap

Simon Patt |  Jan |  Mark |  Riki
Juliana |  Andrea |  Simon

Fifties Englishman Male(It is sex on family register)

Q1.Do you know LGBT?

A1.I do know several people who are NOT heterosexual and so identify as LGBT


Q2.What do you think about them?

A2.I find it easier to trust someone who identifies as LGBT over someone who is straight or heterosexual.

Q3.Where did you learn about LGBT? (ex. school, work...)

A3.I learned about sexual identity across all parts of my like but only AFTER I left school. (The UK 1970’s school system was not a good place to express different ideas about gender identity). At work I worked with many people who identified as LGBT including Boy George who was one of the first openly trans-gender pop stars.

Q4. Did anything change after the same-sex partnership has been established?


Q5.Do you see LGBT couples in your city?


Q6.What do you think about LGBT couples?

A6.Exactly the same as I think about any heterosexual couples. I hope they find love and I hope they manage to build healthy longterm relationships.

Q7.Do you think the same-sex partnership is a good decision?

A7.Any partnership is better than no partnership but the people should try to be 100% sure they are both LGBT before entering a physical relationship.

             Before:Andrea             Next:Teacher interview
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This site is participating in the 21th Japan Junior high school/high school .