日本語     Sitemap

Riki Patt |  Jan |  Mark |  Riki
Juliana |  Andrea |  Simon

10's Italian Male(It is sex on family register)

Q1.Do you know LGBT?

A1.Yes I know what it means.


Q2.What do you think about them?

A2.They are human beings as I am and as long as their way of living doesn't hram others, they can do whatever they want. I don't have any LGBT friend and honestly I couldn't imagine it.

Q3.Where did you learn about LGBT? (ex. school, work...)

A3.The first time I heard about them was when in a tv program. After that I did some research on google.

Q4. Did anything change after the same-sex partnership has been established?

A4.Yes. I know that today, in many countries, law recognizes their unions and is not a scandal any more when you talk about gay relationships.

Q5.Do you see LGBT couples in your city?

A5.I've never seen one but I know that there are different couples living in Reggio Emilia.

Q6.What do you think about LGBT couples?

A6.I have never really thought about it seriously. I just accept it the way it is. I mean ..it doesn't disturb me but I can't imagine having one in my circle of friends.

Q7.Do you think the same-sex partnership is a good decision?

A7.I think that is a right thing that gay marriages are legal, because it is their right. But personally, I don't think it's a natural union especially when they have children. Despite my opinion, I recpect them.

             Before:Mark                Next:Juliana
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