日本語     Sitemap

Jan Patt |  Jan |  Mark |  Riki
Juliana |  Andrea |  Simon

Fourties German Male(It is sex on family register)

Q1.Do you know LGBT?

A1.Yes. Those who don't know that term must have been sleeping the last decades.


Q2.What do you think about them?

A2.Same as about non-LGBT.

Q3.Where did you learn about LGBT? (ex. school, work...)

A3.Friends. The first ones in the 1980s.

Q4. Did anything change after the same-sex partnership has been established?

A4.You mean legally established?Yes, LGBTs are now able to more openly live their preferences.

Q5.Do you see LGBT couples in your city?


Q6.What do you think about LGBT couples?

A6.Same as about non-LGBT couples.

Q7.Do you think the same-sex partnership is a good decision?


             Before:Patt                 Next:Mark
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This site is participating in the 21th Japan Junior high school/high school .