日本語     Sitemap

Andrea Patt |  Jan |  Mark |  Riki
Juliana |  Andrea |  Simon

Fourties British Female(It is sex on family register)

Q1.Do you know LGBT?

A1.I know what LGBT stands for, but I don't know anyone who openly identifies as such.


Q2.What do you think about them?

A2.LGBT people are part of our humanity, so I think they are fine.

Q3.Where did you learn about LGBT? (ex. school, work...)

A3.I can remember hearing about gays in the 1980s, during the AIDs era. It was on the news, so that was my first memory of LGBT. When I grew older, I used to go clubbing with friends and the best dance clubs were gay. I learned that they are not very different from heterosexual people.

Q4. Did anything change after the same-sex partnership has been established?

A4.If you are referring to the same sex partnership law, then yes there have been changes. Generally, people are much more accepting of the LGBT community than they were 20 years ago. The LGBT community were not treated fairly in the 1980s or earlier.

Q5.Do you see LGBT couples in your city?

A5.Yes, all the time.

Q6.What do you think about LGBT couples?

A6.Its fine with me. Being part of a couple is a nice thing and I’m happy when there are people in a loving relationship. To me, it doesn’t matter.

Q7.Do you think the same-sex partnership is a good decision?

A7.Same-sex partnership is the rule of law in England and Wales. It gives them the same rights as a traditional married couple and I believe this is a human right to be treated equally. So yes, this is a good decision.

             Before:Juliana               Next:Simon
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