
Pet Food 1/2

Our food is brown and crunchy. Your food looks delicious and yummy.
They look similar but the ingredients are different. You can't eat my food!

Difference Between Cats and Dogs


 Dogs and cats are typical pets, but as mentioned above, their nutrient needs and the way they eat food are completely different.
 Pet food on the market is required by law to be labeled for dogs and cats, so be sure to check the label when you buy it.
 Also, if you have more than one type of animal, separate the food to prevent over or under-feeding.

About Foods to Feed

 Even foods commonly eaten by humans can be harmful to pets.

Foods We Can't Feed

 The food below would give harm to the pets.

 □ Onions, Leeks, Chives, Garlic
 □ Chocolate
 □ Gum with Xylitol
 □ Chicken Bone
 □ Raw Fish
 □ Grapes, Dried Grapes

Foods We Should be Careful of

 The following food can be harmful to pets. When feeding them, be careful how you cook them and how much you eat.

 □ Liver (Vitamin A)
 □ Spinach (Oxalic Acid)
 □ Coffee, black tea, green tea (caffeine)
 □ Raw meat (harmful parasites and bacteria)
 □ Spices(No tolerance)
 □ Raw egg white (Biotin deficiency)
 □ Dried fish, seaweed (magnesium)
※Substances in parentheses are those that can cause illness in pets.

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