Response to Disaster
Things to Do When Evacuating
If a disaster occurs and you have to evacuate, you should basically stay with your pet.
This is not only to protect the safety of your pets, but also to reduce the effort, time ,and cost of searching for them, and to prevent them from breeding and increasing their numbers if they have not been spayed or neutered.
Also, to avoid disturbing people who are allergic to animals or who do not like pets, it is advisable to accompany your pet.
One of the most common problems that arise during disasters is the issue of pets and shelters. Because Japan is a country that experiences many disasters, it is necessary to solve the problems that arise at each time and move on to the next. Accompanying evacuation means safely evacuating to an evacuation center with your pet in the event of a major disaster. However, it does not mean that you and your pet will live together in an evacuation shelter. Please be careful.
Things You Should Do Before Disaster
As is the case even if you don't have a pet, advance preparation is essential for a smooth evacuation.
Things to Prepare
In the event of a disaster, pack the following items necessary for evacuation and keep them in an easily accessible place.
Thing Needed to Live
□ Medicine
□ Spare reed or collar
□ Dishes
□ Duck Tape(Use to repair the cage in case it gets broken)
Things to Show The Information of the Pet or Owner
□ Photo of Your Pet(Useful when your pet gets lost)
□ Vaccination Status
□ Pre-existing Diseases, Health Conditions
□ Veterinary Clinic
Pet Products
□ Excrement Disposal Tools
□ Towel and Brushes
□ Toys
It is important to train them to be prepared for living and behaving in an unusual environment like a disaster.
For example,
Be sure to train your dog to evacuate smoothly and not to bother others.
Stray Tag
When a disaster strikes, your pet may be startled and run away. A stray tag can be useful in case your pet gets separated from you.
A stray tag is an identification tag that shows the identity of the pet, and by writing the owner's contact information on it and wearing it on the pet, the owner can be identified immediately when the lost pet is rescued.
Wearing Microchips
If your pet has been lost for several days, it may become emaciated and the collar may fall off. When this happens, the stray tag becomes useless.
So it is important for your pet to wear a Microchip.
Microchips are implanted in the body and do not come off like a stray tag. This makes it easier to find them when they become lost.
There are many things owners should do