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Famous Program of Kabuki

We introduce famous program of kabuki here.


I knew kabuki better by the story talked by Mr.Matsue and Mr.Tamataro.


It's true.


Well, let's see what kind of program are there at the end.


That's good. What program can we watch at the next extracurricular learning?


Author : Ōchi Fukuchi

Main character : Yayoi become after fairy of the lion. ... Fairy of the lion transit to a teenager woman.

Contents : This is a story that a young woman fascinated by the lion while she was dancing. Highlight is brilliant performance, cute Maiden's dance and brave loin's dance.


Author : Gohei Namiki 3rd

Main characters : Musashibō-Benkei, Togashi

Contents : This is program that made into kabuki Noh’s program "Ataka",and this is one of the “Kabuki-jūhachiban”. Minamotono-Yoritomo who was a master of the Kamakura shogunate, was chasing and tried to kill his little brother Yoshitsune, so, Yoshitsune disguised to Yamabushi and tried go to north. They were suspicious by Togashi who is protecting checkpoint of "Ataka", but Benkei used tact to get out of trouble and get out of a crisis. The highlight is questions and answer after reading recommendation book of Tōdaiji temple and dance by Benkei.


Author : Izumo Takeda, Senryū Takeda, Shōraku Miyoshi, Koizumo Takeda

Main characters : Umeōmaru, Matsuōmaru, Sakuramaru

Contents : In this story, Fujiwarano-Tokihira who was the Minister of the Left is a bad person, and Sugawarano-Michizane who was the Minister of the Right is a tragic person. Michizane became a criminal by Tokihira’s plan and demotion to Kyūshu, but after that many unusual happening happened at the capital. People clamor that’s Michizane’s curse, and prayed many times. At last, Tokihira who made an evil plan died, and story finishes happily by Shūsai who is Michizane’s son succeed Sugawara family. The highlight is the 4th part, Terakoya (current elementary school) is the most tense scene among 5 parts.
