
What's Nippon-buyo?



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History of nippon-buyo

We'll introduce Nippon-Buyo here.

1.Brief personal history

The root of nippon-buyo is very old, the scene of the Japanese mythology that Amano-uzmeno-mikoto danced to open Ama-no-iwa-to (door made of rock) which was Amaterasu-Omikami shut himself up is the last description. After that, “Nenbutsu-odori” which was Mikos (maiden in the service of a Shinto shrine) danced with bells for attracting more customers to sell more talismans, and the crossroad is actors and directors who was taking charge of kabuki started by Izumono-okuni, have pupils and teach dance to them. In now, women can join independently different as kabuki, many school was born.


Theory 1

In the myth belongs to “Kojiki” which is the history book completed more than 1000 years ago, Amano-uzumeno-mikoto who is the god means dance danced with made tub upside down and stamps her feet to try Amaterasu-Omikami who is the most highest rank of gods and shut himself up in the Amano-iwato come out.

Of course this is a fiction, but it’s the most oldest description in Japan about human danced so many people thinks it is the root of nippon-buyo.

Theory 2

“Nenbutsu-odori” which is Mikos danced with many bells in groups for attracting more customers to sell more talismans.

*If we think nippon-buyo equals Japanese traditional dance, the root must be Japanese mythology, and if we think nippon-buyo equals separated by kabuki the root must be Nenbutsu-odori.

3.Establishment of “nippon-buyo”

In 16 centry, kabuki’s main changed, dance to play because of shamisen spread and accompaniment music developed. In these trends, actors who were taking charge of kaubki’s choreography and directors extracted elements of dance from kabuki, and tell them pupils and the following generations. This is the crossroads of kabuki and nippon-buyo.

4.Nippon-buyo Continues even today

In now, there’re more than 200 schools, and inheriting tradition especially 5 schools “Hanayagi-ryu”, “Fujima-ryu”, “Wakayagi-ryu”, “Nishikawa-ryu”, “Bandou-ryu”.


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