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Learning Traditional Performing Art with kamome -- Review

We learned about traditional performing arts for separate “kabuki”, “kyogen, noh”, “nippon-buyo”, and “nagauta”. Did you understand well?
First, let’s do the review of five traditional performing arts!

Kabuki : It’s one of the traditional play that has “Nenbutsu-odori” in 9th century for the root, and there are many structures in the stage.

Kyogen, Noh : It’s a play came from Sangaku that came from China in Nara period. The theme for kyogen is comedy, and for noh is tragedy.

Syakuhachi, koto : Shakuhachi is one of the wind instrument made of bamboo and the name comes from the length of it is issyaku-hassun.
Koto is stringed instrument which belongs to “type of koto”, came from China in Nara period.

Nippon-buyo : It’s a performing art the root is the myth “Kojiki”, there are many kind of programs came from kabuki and dance.

Nagauta : It’s a traditional music came to Edo from Kamikata in 17th century, they play with song, hosozao-shamisen and ohayashi.

Do you remember?
Now, let’s move on to the review of whole of traditional performing arts.

We can know from professional’s interview, traditional performing arts were told by “kuden”.
And traditional performing arts lie in our lives.
We touched it while we didn’t notice and it is not too much to say our sensibility is well informed in them.
We learned many things from traditional performing arts without our noticing.。

But, traditional performing arts have a problem, the lack of successors.
If things go on like this, “Japanese heart” which we can proud for all over the world will gone.
Is that OK?
Can we invite the situation that the Japanese of the following generation don’t know the beautiful heart and things inhabited from ancient Japan?

It’s depend on us, young people.

We hope that you thought “we have to save Japanese traditional performing arts” by looking at this web site “Learn Traditional Performing Arts with Kamome”.

Thank you for looking!


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