HomeShakuhachi KotoInterview

What's Shakuhachi and Koto?


Program of Koto

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Interview with junior high school student who is playing koto!


Please tell me the massage for young people who are the same generation.


I want you to listen and play it. For about koto, it can play beautiful harmony when play with other musical instruments. I think it’s very fun to arrange and play your favorite songs (for example vocaloid and Johnny’s songs). For about listening, the best way is listen at the concert, I think it’s good to listen by buying CD. You can buy at the internet so you don’t have to go to shops, and you can borrow it at the libraries. Anyway, it’s hard to understand by no listening and looking. Fun! Exciting! And beautiful! That’s koto!


What was your motive?


I started koto when I was 2 years old. My motive is my parent is playing koto, I was playing koto since I can remember.


Thank you for your time.

After the interview

At the massage from Ms.F, she told us her heart that “watching and listening is very fun so she wants to touch. ” straightly. If you knows traditional performing arts is troubled by the lack of successors, but it may hard to start it actually. In that time, I think it is important to have a heart that “let’s enjoy without thinking little things!”. From this interview, I can notice that kind of thing, Ms.F, thank you very much.


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