Homeusers' guide

For using this website

Source of reference

About grasping information of using website

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Users's guide

For using this website

Browse environment recommendation

We recommend the following environment to use this website.

Recommend browser

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer upper than 11
  • Google Chrome the newest version
  • Mozilla Firefox the newest version
  • Opera the newest version
  • Safari the newest version (without Windows version)
  • Operating system

  • Windows Vista (without Internet Explorer)
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Mac OS X after than 10.6
  • After than iOS 7
  • Android after than 4.4
  • Development environment is Mac OSX, Windows 10 Home (64bit)/ Google Chrome version 55.0.2883.87 m. We checked the contents run in above environments.


    Some contents are used JavaScript. If your browser sets JavaScript off, something will function and display wrong. Please use JavaScript on an your browser.

    Plug in

    You have to get the following thing to use some contents.

  • Adobe Reader
  • Adobe Reader
    You can download Adobe Reader by free. Free download from Adobe新しいタブで開きます

    How to upgrade the browser


    Source of reference


    genre サイト名/書籍の名前 URL/書籍情報
    • 歌舞伎の歴史 - 【和の風情~日本の伝統~】
    • 第4章「絶頂期から衰退期へ」 - nifty
    • It's just so so.歌舞伎の歴史 - u-netsurf 関東
    • 歌舞伎入門
    • 歌舞伎への誘い ~歌舞伎鑑賞の手引き~
    • 歌舞伎の事典 演目ガイド181選
    • 【Author】藤田 洋
    • 【Publisher】新星出版社
    • 【Date】February 4, 2008
    Kyōgen / Noh
    • 狂言の歴史
    • 狂言とは|狂言師 小笠原匡 公式サイト - 和泉流狂言師 小笠原匡
    • 公益社団法人 能楽協会 | 歴史(能楽とは)
    • the能ドットコム:入門・能の世界:能の歴史 - the-Noh.com
    • 「京都」×もっとわカルン社
    • 能楽鑑賞百一番
    • 【Author】金子 直樹
    • 【Publisher】淡交社 
    • 【Date】July 26, 2001
    • 狂言ハンドブック第3版
    • 【Author】小林 責 監修・油谷 光雄 編
    • 【Publisher】三省堂 
    • 【Date】February 20, 2008
    • 阪神能楽囃子連盟 調和会
    • 長唄名曲30選[上]
    • 【Author】奥村 有敬
    • 【Publisher】書肆フローラ
    • 【Date】February 7, 2004
    • 長唄名曲30選[下]
    • 【Author】奥村 有敬
    • 【Publisher】書肆フローラ
    • 【Date】June 1, 2005
    • 日本舞踊協会
    • 日本舞踊ハンドブック
    • 【Author】藤田 洋
    • 【Publisher】三省堂
    • 【Date】December 15, 2001
    Shakuhachi / Koto
    • 箏と箏曲を知る事典
    • 【Author】宮崎 まゆみ
    • 【Publisher】東京堂出版
    • 【Date】December 20, 2009


    About grasping information of using website

    At “Learning traditional preforming art with kamome”, we are checking the informations of using website with using access analysis service Google Analytics by Google.

    The informations which were collected is prescribe that Google privacy policy and Google Analytics service terms of use, there’s no informations identify individual.


    Please look at the following pages about Google Analytics and Google’s privacy policy.


    About using other services

    In this website, we use these service without above.


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