
Interview to Pet Owners 2/3

K.M 1 Dog(Pet Shop)

1. What made you decide to get a pet?

 I got my dog because everyone in my family loves animals and I thought that having animals in the house would create a good atmosphere.

2. Is there anything that you considered before you got your pet? If so, please tell us about it.

 No Answer

3. What is the best thing about having a pet?

 Increased family outings and communication. Being talked to more often by people walking by or with dogs.

4. Please tell us what you wish you had taken care of before you got your pet, and what advice you would give to people who are going to get a pet.

 In the case of dogs, if the dog likes to be walked, and walking it was more difficult than I had imagined, so if everyone in the family is busy, it might be a burden.

5. Would you like to get a new pet in the future? Why is that?

 No, because it would be difficult economically.

6. Give us happy looking photos!

You can feel the love♪
Also, it is important to take in mind of economic situation before you get a pet.
And also walking. We love to walk so owners should make sure that they can walk us every day!

Y.N 1 Cat(Pet Shop)

1. What made you decide to get a pet?

 I am an only child so I felt lonely.

2. Is there anything that you considered before you got your pet? If so, please tell us about it.

 Create a suitable environment for the cat before bringing it home, and make sure the cat is not under any stress.

3. What is the best thing about having a pet?

 I got a best friend. It's comfy and fluffy.

4. Please tell us what you wish you had taken care of before you got your pet, and what advice you would give to people who are going to get a pet.

 When you bring a cat into a new environment, it's a good idea to create a small space where the cat can feel completely safe.

5. Would you like to get a new pet in the future? Why is that?

 No, because I think it's difficult for cats to get used to a new environment and it's stressful for them to get used to a newcomer.

6. Give us happy looking photos!

I see.
Making a suitable environment is important.
Right! Not just cats but also other animals!

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Interview to Pet Owners 1/3
Interview to Pet Owners 3/3