
Law 2/3

There is a law about the food we eat!
There better be one!
There had been many problems before.

Pet Food Safety Law

What is a Pet Food?

 According to law, a pet food is "Items used for the purpose of providing nutrition for pet animals" In other words, it refers to anything that nourishes your pet, so it includes raw meat, treats, and supplements.

Background of this Law


 In 2007, a large number of cats and dogs died in the U.S. and Canada because of toxic substances, melamine and cyanuric acid, detected in pet food. The cost of the recall was close to 5 billion yen in Japanese yen, indicating the scale of the problem.

 At first, it was thought that this matter had little to do with Japan. However, when it became clear that the recalled products were being sold, the problems with Japan's pet food legal system became apparent.

 In response to this Pet Food Safety Law was established.

The Effect of Law

 This sets the standard for labeling and the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Minister of the Environment can order the recall if necessary. In addition, unannounced on-site inspections of manufacturers have been conducted, and the information is available on the websites of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and FAMIC.

 Until the Pet Food Safety Law was enacted, there was no law aimed at pet food safety, so it is a big step forward that the law has been enforced to prevent the sale of pet food that is dangerous for pets.

Specific Detail of Law

 If you want to know about the contents of the law, click here.

前のページへ 次のページへ
Law 1/3
The Animal Welfare and Management Law
Law 3/3
Rabies Prevention Law