Awareness check

Check everything that applies to you!

I usually do "temae-dori"
I eat all the food served
I consume “best-before-date-expired” food
I check the refrigerator before going shopping
When eating out, I choose restaurants that actively work to reduce food loss.
I buy only what I need
I regularly organize the refrigerator
I utilize "eat-them-all" recipes
When eating out, I consider the appropriate amount of food for myself and only order as much as I can eat.
I donate food that I cannot eat to food banks.
I devise ways to store food so that it lasts longer
I devise to minimize the part that is thrown away when cutting vegetables and fruits
When eating out, I use doggy bags to prevent throwing away food that I can't finish eating.

How many applied to you?


You are very aware of food loss! Be a role model for everyone around you!


Your awareness of food loss is about average. Let's start with what you can do to reduce food loss!


You don't seem to be contributing much to food loss.
Read this site carefully to deepen your understanding of food loss and know the importance of taking action!

Before : Take action!
Next : Achievement test