Household food waste accounts for about half of all food loss.
It can be seen that consumers are less aware of food loss because they are blessed with food.
Household food waste can be divided into 3 categories.
It is food waste caused by cooking too much food at home, forgetting to put it in the refrigerator, or making a mistake in cooking.
・ Peeling the skin of vegetables and fruits too thick
・Cutting off the edible part when removing the stem and seeds of vegetables and fruits
・Throwing away the fat of the meat
This food waste is caused by cutting and throwing away the edible parts such as the skin and stems of vegetables
due to lack of cooking technology.
Another cause of over-removal is excessive hygiene.
For example, you may throw away the outer leaves of cabbages and lettuce in stores because you are afraid that an unspecified number of people will be touching them.
This is food waste that is produced by buying too much,
using storage methods that don't last long, and receiving gifts that you don't want to eat.
So far, we have looked in detail at the reality of food waste that occurs in the supply chain.
The need to reduce food waste is not only for ethical reasons, such as "mottainai".
Let's take a look at other effects that food waste have on us.
Bibliography :
・環境省 -「家庭で発生する食品ロスには、どのようなものがあるの?」(
・政府広報オンライン -「今日からできる!家庭でできる食品ロス削減」(