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„€English TOP
@„₯What we can do
@„ „₯The most important
@„ „₯Internaitonl Problems Study
@„ „ „₯International problem correlation diagram
@„ „ „₯International problem opinion poll result
@„ „ „₯war
@„ „ „ „₯˜1...What is the War?
@„ „ „ „€˜2...Iraq War
@„ „ „₯Poverty
@„ „ „ „₯˜1...Refugee
@„ „ „ „₯˜2...Street Children
@„ „ „ „₯˜3...Starvation
@„ „ „ „€˜4...Boy Solder
@„ „ „₯Illness
@„ „ „ „₯˜1...Immunity
@„ „ „ „₯˜2...AIDS
@„ „ „ „ „₯Structure of HIV immunity mechanism destruction
@„ „ „ „ „€Why Are there many AIDS infection persons in developing countries?
@„ „ „ „€˜3...SARS
@„ „ „₯Environment
@„ „ „ „₯˜1...Desertification
@„ „ „ „₯˜2...Water pollution
@„ „ „ „₯˜3...Deforestation
@„ „ „ „₯˜4...Air pollution and Acid rain
@„ „ „ „₯˜5...Grobal warming
@„ „ „ „₯˜6...Ozone layer depletion
@„ „ „ „€˜7...Biodiversity
@„ „ „€Children's right
@„ „ @„₯˜1...Treaty
@„ „ @„ „₯(1)Preamble
@„ „ @„ „₯(2)articles*1-8
@„ „ @„ „₯(3)articles*9-16
@„ „ @„ „₯(4)articles*17-24
@„ „ @„ „₯(5)articles*25-32
@„ „ @„ „₯(6)articles*33-41
@„ „ @„ „₯(7)articles*42-45
@„ „ @„ „€(8)articles*46-54
@„ „ @„€˜2...Treaty powers and areas
@„ „ @@„₯Ratification Country
@„ „ @@„₯Member nation Country
@„ „ @@„₯Succession Country
@„ „ @@„€Signatory Country
@„ „₯Fund-rising activities
@„ „ „₯ss1...Street fund-raising activities
@„ „ „€ss...Other Fund-rusing activities
@„ „₯Volunteer
@„ „ „₯ss1...Aluminum can recovery
@„ „ „₯ss2... Local cleaning
@„ „ „₯ss3...Bell mark collection
@„ „ „₯ss4...The collection of used telephone cards
@„ „ „₯ss5...the collection of miswritten (intact) postcards
@„ „ „₯ss6...The collection of used stamps
@„ „ „₯ss7...Use of used garments
@„ „ „₯ss8...Notice of a poster
@„ „ „€ss9...Corresponds
@„ „€Learn
@„₯International Organization etc.
@„ „₯UNICEF
@„ „₯WHO
@„ „₯UNAIDS
@„ „₯WFP
@„ „₯UNEP
@„ „₯FAO
@„ „₯World Vision
@„ „₯JICA
@„ „₯WWF
@„ „₯The meeting which thinks of street children
@„ „€EIC NET
@„ „₯WWCD–BBS
@„ „₯Question Board
@„ „₯NEWS ! Board
@„ „€Debate Chat
@„₯Study Guide
@„ „₯Shool children
@„ „ „₯War@For Print^For Word
@„ „ „₯Poverty@For Print^For Word
@„ „ „₯Illness@For Print^For Word
@„ „ „₯Environment@For Print^For Word
@„ „ „€International problem conclusion@For Print^For Word
@„ „€Junior and senior high school students
@„ @„₯War@For Print^For Word
@„ @„₯Poverty@For Print^For Word
@„ @„₯Illness@For Print^For Word
@„ @„₯Environment@For Print^For Word
@„ @„€International problem conclusion@For Print^For Word
@„₯Special Thanks
@„₯From producer
@„₯Maid Form
@„€Site Map