Specific Standards
To All Dog and Cat Handling BusinessConcept
Standard 1: Mandatory cage size and space for exercise
This will prevent confinement-type breeding. It is also now mandatory for animals to be exercised in an exercise space for at least three hours.
As shown in the figure below, the size of the cage differs between dogs and cats.
Standad 2: Provisions for the number of employees involved in breeding
Dogs: Up to 15 breeding dogs and 20 dogs for sale per person
Cats: Up to 25 breeding cats and 30 cats for sale per person
Puppies and kittens living with their parents are not included in the number of animals.
Standard 3: Provisions for breeding and storage environment
Standard 4:Animal diseases, health care
Standard 5: Laws concerning the exhibition and transport of animals
Standard 6: Rules on the number of times a person can be bred
Dogs: Females may be bred up to 6 years of age (under 7 years of age)
However, if a female has given birth less than 6 times in her lifetime at the age of 7, she may be mated until the age of 7.
Cats: Females may be mated up to 6 years of age (under 7 years of age)
However, if a female has given birth less than 10 times in her lifetime at the age of 7, she will be 7 years old.
Standard 7: Other animal welfare and breeding provisions